Simulating Connected Urban Mobility
May 13-15 • Berlin-Adlershof, Germany

Traffic simulations are of immense importance for researchers as well as practitioners in the field of transportation. Eclipse SUMO provides a wide range of traffic planning and simulation applications. Eclipse SUMO is a toolsuite covering road network imports and enrichment, demand generation and assignment and a state-of-the-art microscopic traffic simulation capable to simulate private and public transport modes, as well as person-based trip chains. Being open source, Eclipse SUMO is ready to implement new behavioral models or to control the simulation remotely using various programming environments. These and other features make Eclipse SUMO one of the most often used open source traffic simulations with a large and international user community.
Call for Papers
The conference aims on presenting new and unique results in the field of mobility simulation and modelling using openly available tools and data. We expect a large variety of research topics and usage approaches. If you are doing a research project fitting the topics below you are kindly invited to submit an abstract. Possible areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Vehicular Communication
- Modelling Urban Mobility
- Intermodal Transport
- Autonomous Driving
- Logistics Simulation
- Mobility Modelling
- Traffic Simulation
- Traffic Applications
- Traffic Management Solutions
- Open Tools and Open Data
- E-Mobility
- Autonomous Driving
Instructions for authors and a template can be found here:
Keynote Speaker
Peter Vortisch (KIT – Institut für Verkehrswesen IfV)
- Regular Tickets – 495 EUR
- One-Day-Ticket – 325 EUR
- Authors and Project Partners – 275 EUR
- “limited” Student Grants - 50 EUR
Sessions and Presentations
Session 1: Automated Vehicles
- Coupling SUMO with a Motion Planning Framework for Automated Vehicles
- Emission Effects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
- SUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
- From Automated to Manual - Modeling Control Transitions with SUMO
Session 2: Connected Vehicles
- Controlling a real-world intersection with connected vehicle information provided by CAMs (Cooperative Awareness Messages)
- Bridging the Gap between SUMO & Kuksa: Using A Traffic Simulator for Testing Cloud-based Connected Vehicle Services
- Anticipating automated vehicle presence and the effects on interactions with conventional traffic and infrastructure
- Traffic Simulation between Traffic Engineering and Automotive - Prof. Dr. Peter Vortisch
Session 3: Simulator Coupling
- Co-simulation of the virtual vehicle in virtual traffic considering tactical driver decisions
- Co-simulation of vehicles and crowds for rescue trials
- Recurrent and Non-recurrent Congestion based Gridlock Detection on Chula-SSS Urban Road Network
- Queue length estimation through a simple V2V communication protocol
Session 4: Traffic Light systems
- Pedestrian-Friendly Traffic Signal Control Using SUMO
- Remarks on Traffic Signal Coordination
- Modelling green waves for emergency vehicles using connected traffic data
Session 5: Other traffic Modes
- Investigation of the capacity of train stations in case of a large-scale emergency evacuation
- A Vehicle Device Tailored for Hybrid Trolleybuses and Overhead Power Lines Implementation in SUMO
- Modelling Bicycle Infrastructure in SUMO
- Analysing bicyclist behaviour using a bicycle simulator with a coupled traffic and environment simulation
- Testing an Adaptive Cruise Controller with coupled traffic and driving simulations
Session 6: New Tools
- Estimation and prediction of traffic dynamics with data-driven low-dimensional model based on SUMO
- Introducing Road Surface Conditions into a Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Reinforcement Learning Agent under Partial Observability for Traffic Light Control in Presence of Gridlocks
The registration fee includes a two and a half day conference program with refreshments, lunch, proceedings and social events in the evening. Accommodation is not included within the registration fee and must be pre-booked separately.
The conference language is English.
Social Event
We are having a social event on Monday May 13 at BTB (, 2019 at 6 p.m. and on Tuesday May 14, 2019 (barbecue at the DLR Berlin-Adlershof).
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Transportation Systems
Rutherfordstr. 2
12489 Berlin
Please contact the conference team via mail at
You can find more information about SUMO at
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