May 02-04 • Berlin-Adlershof, Germany

Conference Proceedings:
Sessions and Presentations
- Tutorial • Video • Tutorial files
- Keynote: e-bike-city: An answer to our transport dead-end? - Prof. Dr. Kay W. Axhausen • Video
Session 1
Generating and Calibrating a Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Network of Kyoto
Andreas Keler (Technical University of Munich), Wenzhe Sun (Kyoto University) and Jan-Dirk Schmöcker (Kyoto University)Simulation-based origin-destination matrix reduction: a case study of Helsinki city area
Klavdiia Bochenina, Anton Taleiko and Laura Ruotsalainen (all: University of Helsinki) • Video
Session 2
Calibration of a Microscopic Traffic Simulation in an Urban Scenario Using Loop Detector Data
Andreas Keler, Andreas Kunz, Sasan Amini and Klaus Bogenberger (all: Technical University of Munich)Comparing Measured Driver Behavior Distributions to Results from Car-Following Models using SUMO and Real-World Vehicle Trajectories from Radar Voted best presentation by the conference attendees
Maxwell Schrader, Mahdi Al Abdraboh and Joshua Bittle (all: University of Alabama) • VideoDevelopment, calibration, and validation of a large-scale traffic simulation model: Belgium road network
Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani (UCLouvain), Luca Sgambi (UCLouvain), Sven Maerivoet (Transport & Mobility Leuven) and Maaike Snelder (TU Delft) • Video
Session 3: Poster Session
- Road Network Throughput Evaluation via Network Calculus - Teodora Mecheva and Nikolay Kakanakov
- Evaluating Possibilities for Flexible Train Schedules to not Impede High-priority Sporadic Traffic - Antony Kamp, Max Lietze, Luke Ortlam, Anton Persitzky, Christian Raue, Lucas Reisener, Lukas Pirl and Arne Boockmeyer
- Integration of SUMO and SoSID Advanced Air Mobility Simulation using TRaCI - Menno Berger, Nabih Naeem and Prajwal Shiva Prakasha
- Integrating SUMO in an urban digital twin - a case study from Munich - Sasan Amini, Christoph Orlich, Christof Beil, Andreas Keler and Klaus Bogenberger
- Optimizing Traffic Light Timing in Urban Corridors Using Fuzzy Logic Technology: An Evaluation Using SUMO Simulation - Victor Madrigal
- The Integration of SUMO within a Data Hub and a Simulation Testbed for the City of Munich – Overview on the project MCube DatSim - Fabian Schuhmann, Fabian Netzler, Johannes Lindner and Andreas Keler
- Bidirectional Green Waves for Major Road Axes By Adjusting Separate Left-Turn Phases - Christian Liebchen
Session 4
State of Bicycle Modeling in SUMO
Aboozar Roosta (University of Wuppertal), Heather Kaths (University of Wuppertal), Mirko Barthauer (DLR), Jakob Erdmann (DLR), Yun-Pang Flötteröd (DLR) and Michael Behrisch (DLR) • VideoFramework for Simulating Cyclists in SUMO
Heather Kaths and Aboozar Roosta (all: University of Wuppertal) • Video
Session 5
Coping with Randomness in Highly Complex Systems Using the Example of Quantum-Inspired Traffic Flow Optimization
Maria Haberland and Lars Hohmuth (all: Fujitsu)The Effects of Route Randomization on Urban Emissions
Giuliano Cornacchia (University of Pisa), Mirco Nanni (KDD-Lab ISTI-CNR Pisa), Dino Pedreschi (University of Pisa) and Luca Pappalardo (University of Pisa, KDD-Lab ISTI-CNR Pisa) • VideoChallenges in Reward Design for Reinforcement Learning-based Traffic Signal Control: An Investigation using a CO2 Emission Objective
Max Schumacher (University of Potsdam), Christian Medeiros Adriano (Hasso-Plattner-Institut) and Holger Giese (Hasso-Plattner-Institut) • Video
Session 6
A Technical Concept for sensor-based Traffic Flow Optimization on connected real-world intersections via a SUMO Feature Gap Analysis
Ingo Trautwein (Fraunhofer IAO), Andreas Freymann (Fraunhofer IAO), Emanuel Reichsöllner (Hochschule Esslingen), Mirko Sonntag (Hochschule Esslingen), Thomas Schrodi (Fraunhofer IAO) and Jessica Kraus Schoeps (Fraunhofer IAO) • VideoSUMO Simulations for Federated Learning in Communicating Autonomous Vehicles
Levente Alekszejenkó and Tadeusz Dobrowiecki (all: Budapest University of Technology and Economics) • VideoSUMO Roundabout Simulation with Human in the Loop
Giorgio Previati and Gianpiero Mastinu (all: Politecnico di Milano)
Session 7: Poster Session
- Open-Source Framework for Modeling Emission Concentrations in Urban Areas - Mario Ilic, Seyed M. Saghaeiannejad, Sasan Amini and Klaus Bogenberger Voted best poster by the conference attendees
- Using SUMO Railway Simulations for Integration Tests of EULYNX Components - Philipp Schmidt, Dirk Friedenberger, Lukas Pirl and Arne Boockmeyer
- Exploring ChatGPT as an alternative support tool for SUMO users - Johannes Lindner and Maya Sekeran
- Developing an evidenced modelling framework for e-scooters - Hannah Gumble
- Connected traffic of vulnerable bicyclists and automated vehicles - Deep learning trajectory generation for realistic simulated bicycle intersection crossings - Christoph M. Schmidt, Jason K. Moore, Azita Dabiri, Riender Happee and Frederik Schulte
- Demo Presentation: Browser-based Online Parallel SUMO Simulation with Traffik - Mahima Aggarwal, Giovanna Vantini, Xiaosong Ma and Sanjay Chawla
- Multicriterial traffic light control focused on optimization goals efficiency, emissions and cyclist safety – a SUMO simulation study - Maik Halbach and Robert Markowski
Session 8
Analysis and modelling of road traffic using SUMO to optimize the arrival time of emergency vehicles
Shamli Soni and Karsten Weronek (all: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences) • VideoEvaluating the benefits of promoting intermodality and active modes in urban transportation: a microsimulation approach
Souhir Bennaya and Moez Kilani (all: Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, LEM : Lille Economie Management) • Video
e-bike-city: An answer to our transport dead-end?
Prof. Dr. Kay W. Axhausen
Institute for Transport Planning and SystemsDep. of Civil, Env. and Geomatic Eng.
ETH Zürich
The challenge of net-zero shows that the currently preferred options are falling short of the 27 year away targets, as either politically unlikely or not effective enough. The e-bike-city is a project which explores if a city giving e-bikes, bikes and public transport enough room to flourish could be a positive vision mobilizing the necessary, rather fast changes needed. The talk will sketch the core dilemma and why a positive vision is needed for change. It will then sketch the e-bike-city and its challenge and show first results. It will introduce the on-going project at the ETH DBAUG department and show the chances for collaboration.
Social Event
We are going to visit The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) in Berlin-Adlershof - “an international state-of-the-art competence center for science & technology as well as service & transfer for innovations in and by crystalline materials.”
The IKZ is located at just 6 min walking distance from our conference venue.
The conference language is English.
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Rutherfordstr. 2
12489 Berlin
Please contact the conference team via mail at