May 13-15 • Berlin-Adlershof, Germany

Conference Proceedings:
Sessions and Presentations
Tutorial files Video TranscriptionKeynote: Seeing is believing – Simulation and other Transportation Research at the Alabama Transportation Institute - Dr. Steven Jones
Session 1
- Simulating Traffic Networks: Driving SUMO towards digital twins
Axel Schaffland, Jonas Nelson and Julius Schöning (all: Hochschule Osnabrück)
Slides Video - Leveraging SUMO for Real-World Traffic Optimization: A Comprehensive Approach
Alon Bublil and Olga Dobrilko (all: NoTraffic)
Slides Video - Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulation in an Urban Environment Using GPS-Data
Christopher Stang and Klaus Bogenberger (all: Technical University of Munich)
Slides Video
Session 2
- Sumonity: Bridging SUMO and Unity for Enhanced Traffic Simulation Experiences
Mathias Pechinger and Johannes Lindner (all: Technical University of Munich)
Slides Video - Joining SUMO and Unreal Engine to Create a Bespoke 360 Degree Narrow Passage Driving Simulator
Peter Youssef, Katherine Plant and Ben Waterson (all: University of Southampton)
Video - Integrating Topographical Map Information in SUMO to Simulate Realistic Micromobility Trips in Hilly and Steep Terrains
Andreas Freymann (Fraunhofer IAO), Emanuel Reichsöllner (Hochschule Esslingen), Damir Ravlija (Hochschule Esslingen), Ingo Trautwein (Fraunhofer IAO) and Mirko Sonntag (Hochschule Esslingen)
Slides Video
Session 3: Poster Session
- Investigation of DRT Services by Coupling Demand Modeling and Traffic Flow Simulation - Dennis Harmann, Lasse Bienzeisler, Ronja Meier and Bernhard Friedrich
- CDASim: A Versatile Tool for Realistic Cooperative Driving Automation Simulation and Research - Zhitong Huang, Kyle Rush, Danielle Chou, Pavle Bujanovic and Sudhakar Nallamothu
- Ingolstadt SUMO 365 – Generation and Calibration of a Microscopic Urban Model for various Scenarios - Joel Brodersen and Christoph Stadler
- Proposal for a low emissions zone in the historic center of the city of San Luis Potosí, Mexico - Missael Quilantan, Valter Barrera and Andres Ruiz
- Development of a 3D Visualization SUMO Tool for Traffic Simulations - Maya Sekeran, Johannes Lindner, Faruk Öztürk, Mathias Pechinger and Klaus Bogenberger
- Automated conflict region calculation for intersection control with automated and connected vehicles - Natalie Steinmetz, Tanja Niels and Klaus Bogenberger
- Simulation of 'phantom' traffic jams by modeling perception performance in SUMO - Ivan Postigo, Clas Rydergren and Johan Olstam
- The Integration of SUMO into a Cluster-wide Simulation Pipeline for Mobility Innovations - Fabian Schuhmann
- Interfacing a Traffic Light Controller with SUMO for Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing - Robert Markowski
Session 4
- Optimized Design of Low Emission Zones in SUMO: A Dual Focus on Emissions Reduction and Travel Time Improvement
Alvaro Paricio-Garcia, Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona and Pablo Manglano (all: Universidad de Alcalá)
Slides Video - Comparing and parameterizing the electrical energy consumption models in SUMO
Yun-Pang Flötteröd, Michael Behrisch and Peter Wagner (all: DLR)
Slides Video - HybridPy: The Simulation Suite for Mesoscopic and Microscopic Traffic Simulations
Joerg Schweizer (University of Bologna), Fabian Schuhmann (Technical University of Munich) and Cristian Poliziani (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Session 5
- Bus Priority Procedure for Signalized Intersections Based on Bus Occupancy and Delay
Katia Juliane Schmidt, Natalie Steinmetz and Martin Margreiter (all: Technical University of Munich)
Slides Video - rescuePY: Simulation-based Rescue Response Impact Assessment
Fabian Schuhmann (Technical University of Munich)
Slides Video - Generalistic Assessments of the Potential of Medical Drones in Urban Environment
Felix Wachter (Hochschule Kempten), Jannik Krivohlavek (University Medical Center Groningen), Jonas Rossa (Hochschule Kempten) and Andreas Rupp (Hochschule Kempten)
Slides Video
Session 6
- Using SUMO for Test Automation and Demonstration of Digitalized Railway Concepts
Arne Boockmeyer, Dirk Friedenberger and Lukas Pirl (all: Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
Slides Video - Perspectives on an ALKS model in SUMO
Robert Alms, Benjamin Couéraud and Peter Wagner (all: DLR)
Slides Video - Calibrating Car-Following Models using SUMO-in-the-loop and Vehicle Trajectories from Roadside Radar
Maxwell Schrader, Arya Karnik, Alexander Hainen and Joshua Bittle (all: The University of Alabama) Voted best presentation by the conference attendees
Slides Video
Session 7: Poster Session
- Comprehensive simulation by coupling simulators for pedestrian and vehicle dynamics - Ronald Nippold and Jette Schumann
- Collaborative, Distributed Testing Using Eclipse SUMO - Danielle Chou, Robin Laqui and Stephen Moyer
- Real-time queue estimator for signalised intersections - based on detector data - Maik Halbach and Jan Trumpold
- Utilisation of cooperative, automated vehicles with external HMI as part of traffic signal control - Robert Oertel
- Machine-learning informed simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment with SUMO - Jonas Jostmann, Gunnar Flötteröd and Zhenliang Ma
- Mitigating urban air pollution: Case study of Calzada de Guadalupe Avenue in San Luis Potosí city, Mexico - Andres Ruiz, Valter Barrera and Missael Quilantan
- Advancing Traffic Safety Simulation: Introducing a Modular Threat Response Model for E-Scooters in SUMO - Pascal Brunner, Florian Denk, Felix Fröhling, Werner Huber, Klaus Bogenberger and Ronald Kates
- Maximum Capacity versus Safety for Cyclists - Thomas Obst
- SESAM = SUMO in the Cloud - Robert Hilbrich and Angelo Banse
Session 8
- Integration Traffic Signal Control From Synchro to SUMO
Yiran Zhang (University of Washington), Mingjian Fu (INRIX Inc) and Xuegang (Jeff) Ban (University of Washington)
Slides Video - On Vehicular Data Aggregation in Federated Learning: A Case Study of Privacy with Parking Occupancy in Eclipse SUMO
Levente Alekszejenkó and Tadeusz Dobrowiecki (all: Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Slides Video
Seeing is believing – Simulation and other Transportation Research at the Alabama Transportation Institute
Dr. Steven Jones
Alabama Transportation InstituteThe University of Alabama
The talk will begin with a general introduction to the Alabama Transportation Institute (ATI) and its research portfolio. The introduction will provide a historical context for the establishment of ATI and provide an overview of the broad range of human-centered transportation research led and/or facilitated by ATI. The presentation of ATI research will then focus on the role of simulation in general and eventually touch on recent SUMO-related work. Additionally, the talk will highlight the ATI track record of, and intentions to expand, international collaborations. Ultimately, the talk will provide an understanding of ATI simulation-related and other research priorities going forward as well as provide a case for potential future collaborations.
Social Event
Guided tour of the Adlershof Science and Technology Park (on May 13, 2024 - 17:15 - 18:15)
Guided tour through the Adlershof Science and Technology Park campus, with a focus on the history and development of aviation research at the site, visit to the large wind tunnel, spin tunnel and sound-absorbing engine test stand.
The conference language is English.
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Rutherfordstr. 2
12489 Berlin
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