
Frontend Properties: All the sw360 frontend properties are mentioned in file. For example;

  • Different categories for components,

    component.categories=[ “framework”, “SDK”, “big-data”, “build-management”, “cloud”, “content”, “database”, “graphics”, “http”, “javaee”, “library”, “mail”, “mobile”, “network-client”, “network-server”, “osgi”, “security”, “testing”, “virtual-machine”, “web-framework”, “xml”]

  • Dropdown for project type,

    project.type=[ “Customer Project”, “Internal Project”, “Product”, “Service”, “Inner Source” ]

  • API Token generation,


  • Activation of portlets and components

Backend Properties: This, file contains the sw360 backend properties. This file contains the common properties for the backend services and also holds the setting for the mail utility.

You can change these default values by mentioning it in the file, present in /etc/sw360 folder. This path is to be created by the admin. After changing the properties, server needs to be restarted in order to make the changes effective. If the properties file is not present in the required folder, the default values will be selected.