
SW360 Deployment Guides

For current SW360 deployment is recommended use docker compose, as base setup of the necessary third party tools are present.

You can find SW360 official docker-compose reference here.

This docker compose comes with default admin passwords for couchdb and postgres. Is recommended for production to customize this file.

Donload the file mentioned above an just run:

docker compose -d

Three nested docker containers will be created for sw360, couchdb and postgres, and the respective volumes for the containers. They run in a closed sw360 docker network.

After this, you need to execute the 18.x.x. series initial setup

General Topics

Special Topics

After install and setup sw360, this are possible topice to be considered:

Bare Metal

SW360 Bare Metal Deployment

Upgrade from previous instances

SW360 Bare Metal Deployment

Legacy Deployment Guides

SW360 Legacy deployment guides

Authorization Concept

Describe different roles of authorization concepts on SW360

Configurable Property Keys

SW360 Configurable property keys

Configuring Country Codes

SW360 provides a feature for showing country codes and country names

CVE Scheduler

SW360 CVE Schedules

Export and Import

SW360 Export and Import


SW360 security checklist pre and post deployment

Special Deployment Guides

System Requirements

SW360 minimal system requirements based on system class