Filtering in Portlets

For the filters that are shown for components and listings, there are some options:

  1. The Keyword search works directly on the table shown on the main right area. For example in the components portlet, this is in components/view.jsp.

  2. The filters actually result in a new search request, when hitting apply filters button. The project portlet reads the fields and creates a map. Then, ProjectPortlet calls the thrift service refineSearch(), which is handled in ProjectHandler. This method takes the map and the user as input. The search service has a server-side JavaScript function (LuceneSearchView) defined for this particular filter in This is called with the After filtering, the visibility constraints for the requesting user are applied.

  3. Then for each release table, there is a search field in the upper right corner. This again works on the data of the Release summary object and then filters what is on the client (web browser).