TC01: Create a package with required fields
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Sign In with a known user | User successfully signed in and Home page is displayed |
2 | Click Packages tab Click Add Package button | The Create Package page is displayed |
3 | Input valid data into required fields Eg: - Name: package1 - Version: 1.0.0 - Package Type: Framework - PURL (Package URL): pkg:npm/angular-sanitize@1.8.2 | Values are entered in the fields |
4 | Click Create Package button | - The message: “Success: Package created successfully” is displayed at the left corner - Redirect to the Package list page - The new package is added to the package list |
5 | Search for the new project then click the hyperlink of the newly created package name | Redirect to view page of the created package |
6 | Check data of all fields | Data in all fields match with input values |
TC02: Create a package with all fields
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Sign In with a known user Click Packages tab Click Add Package button | The Create Package page is displayed |
2 | Input valid data into all editable fields | Values are entered in the fields |
3 | Click Create Package button | - The message: “Success: Package created successfully” is displayed at the left corner - Redirect to the Package list page - The new package is added to the package list |
4 | Search for the new package then click the hyperlink of the newly created package name | Redirect to view page of the created package |
5 | Check data of all fields | Data in all fields match with input values |
TC03: Update some fields for package
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Sign In with a known user Click Component tab Create a component with name is ComponentA Create a release with name is ComponentA (1.0.1) | Release ComponentA (1.0.1) is created successfully |
2 | Click Packages tab Create a new package with name and version are Package1 (1.0.1) | Package Package1 (1.0.1) is created successfully |
3 | At advanced Search, search for newly created package Eg: Package1 (1.0.1) Click Edit Package icon at Actions column | Update Package page is displayed |
4 | Update data of some fields Eg: - Version: 1.0.2 - Homepage URL: pkg:npm/@microsoft/applicationinsights-web@2.5.11 - Release: ComponentA (1.0.1) | Data is filled in fields match with input values |
5 | Click Update Package button | - The message: “Success: Package updated successfully” is displayed at the left corner - Redirect to the package list page |
6 | Search for the updated project then click the hyperlink of the package name | Redirect to view page of the updated package |
7 | Check data of all fields | Data in all fields match with data at update page |
TC04: Link package to project with release of the package has not linked to the project yet
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Create Component with name is ComponentA Create a release with name is ComponentA (1.0.1) | Release is created successfully |
2 | Click Packages tab Click Add Package button Create a new package with: - Name: PackageA - Version: (1.0.1) - Release: ComponentA (1.0.1) | Package is created successfully |
3 | Click Project tab Create project with name is ProjectA | Project is created successfully |
4 | In Edit ProjectA project page then click Linked Packages tab Click Add Packages button | Dialog Link Packages is displayed |
5 | Input PackageA in textbox then click Search button Choose PackageA package then click Link Packages button | Information of the PackageA package is displayed correctly in the table |
6 | Click Update Project button | - Redirect to the ProjectA project view screen - Information of Linked Package tab is correct with input data |
7 | Click License Clearing tab, check information of the table | Display data of ComponentA (1.0.1) release with correctly information |
TC05: Unlink package from the project
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Sign In with a known user Click Packages tab Create a new package with name and version are PackageA (1.0.1) | Package is created successfully |
2 | Click Project tab Create a project with name is ProjectA and then add PackageA newly created as linked package of ProjectA project | Project is created successfully |
3 | In edit project page, click Linked Packages tab Click Delete icon of PackageA (1.0.1) package Click Delete Link button | Data of PackageA (1.0.1) package is removed from package table |
4 | Click Update Project button | - Redirect to view ProjectA page - Project ProjectA is updated successfully - Data in the Linked Packages tab: PackageA (1.0.1) package information is removed |
TC06: Delete a package that is first linked to a project and then not
Step | Action | Result |
1 | Sign In with a known user Click Packages tab Create a new package with name and version are PackageA (1.0.1) | Package is created successfully |
2 | Click Projects tab Create a project with name is ProjectA and then add PackageA newly created as linked package of ProjectA project | Project is created successfully |
3 | Click Packages tab At advanced Search, search for newly created package Eg: PackageA(1.0.1) Click Delete Package icon in Actions column of this package | Dialog “Delete Package?” display with message: “Do you really want to delete the package {packageName} ({package version})?” |
4 | Click Delete Package button | Error message is displayed: “Package cannot be deleted!” |
5 | Unlink PackageA package from ProjectA project Re-delete PackageA(1.0.1) package follow steps from 3-4 | - Delete PackageA package successfully with message “Deleted successfully!” in the dialog - Package PackageA(1.0.1) is not display in the package list table |
Last modified November 14, 2024: feat(TestCase): Update test cases for project, package, moderation (bd9c1ec)