Attachment File Types

SW360 maintains attachments for projects, components and releases. Currently, SW360 cannot automatically detect these types and is dependent on that users select the appropriate type accordingly. If not, some functionality will not properly kick of that uses such attachments.

Also, maybe some of the types are redundant by now and are just legacy ideas that should be reviewed after two years now.

In summary, the following the types currently are as follows:

Type nameFunctionalityDescription
SOURCEfor sending to toolsSource packages of a release as found on the Internet
COMPONENT_LICENSE_INFO_XMLfor project documentation generationAn XML-based description of the licenses and coprights involved
DESIGNn.a.Just nomenclature to name this not document
REQUIREMENTn.a.Just a general placeholder for an attachment
DOCUMENTn.a.Just a general placeholder for an attachment
CLEARING_REPORTSetting clearing statusReporting information for component license state
COMPONENT_LICENSE_INFO_COMBINED(should be) for project documentation generationMultiple components with component license information
SCAN_RESULT_REPORTn.a.Just description what scanners found without conclusions
SCAN_RESULT_REPORT_XMLn.a.Just description what scanners found without conclusions in XML
SOURCE_SELF(should be) for sending to toolsSource packages build self, because not available in the Internet
BINARYfuture: for sending to tool doing binary analysisBinary from the publisher
BINARY_SELFfuture: for sending to tool doing binary analysisSelf built binary
DECISION_REPORTn.a.Decision information ref. the component
LEGAL_EVALUATIONn.a.Internally created legal evaluation
LICENSE_AGREEMENTn.a.Document describing the license agreement
SCREENSHOTn.a.If licensing information is captured with screenshot
OTHERn.a.If not document
Last modified March 29, 2023: upd(project): Major updates (436d544)