
7. Search

On the search page, you can search for Projects, Components, Licenses, Releases, Obligations, Users, Vendors, etc. in SW360.

To search for a particular (object), click on Search tab and follow the procedure:

  1. Type the keyword in the text field.
  2. The checkbox in Restrict To Type allows you to further restrict your search to a specific (object), you can choose to restrict the type to projects, components, licenses etc.
  3. Click on Search to get the search results
  4. Click on the component/project/license/obligation/user/vendor/release to be redirected to their respective page.


The user can search with wildcards. A wildcard is a character which substitue for zero or more characters in a string. For a single character users can use ‘?’ and for multiple character wildcard he can use ‘*’. The Wildcard can stand in the middle of characters or at the end, but not at the beginning.

Last modified March 29, 2023: upd(project): Major updates (436d544)