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Recommended Compiler Warnings

For the Target Management Project, we recommend enabling the following compiler warnings in JDT (Window > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings and Javadoc). Settings that differ from the JDT default are marked in bold.

In most cases, we use stricter warnings in the TM project than the JDT default suggests - with one notable exception: Because parts of RSE require access to Platform “internal” packages, and this requirement cannot be fixed currently, we disable the “discouraged access” warning for now.

Setting Value Comment
Code Style
Non-static access to static member: Warning
Indirect access to static member: Warning
Unqualified access to instance field: Ignore
Undocumented empty block: Ignore
Access to a non-accessible member of an enclosing type: Ignore
Method with a constructor name: Error
Parameter assignment: Ignore
Non-externalized strings (missing/unused -NLS$ tag): Warning
Potential programming problems
Serializable class without serialVersionUID: Warning
Assignment has no effect (e.g. ‘x = x’): Warning
Possible accidental boolean assignment (e.g. if (a=b)): Warning
‘finally’ does not complete normally: Warning
Empty statement: Warning
Using a char array in string concatenation: Warning
Hidden catch block: Warning
Inexact type match for vararg arguments: Warning
Boxing and unboxing conversions: Warning
Enum type constant not covered on ‘switch’: Warning
‘switch’ case fall-through: Warning
Null reference: Warning
Name shadowing and conflicts
Field declaration hides another field or variable: Warning
Local variable declaration hides another field or variable: Ignore
   Include constructor or setter method parameters
Type parameter hides another type: Warning
Method overridden but not package visible: Error
Interface method conflicts with protected ‘Object’ method: Warning
Deprecated and restricted API
Deprecated API: Warning
   Signal use of deprecated API inside deprecated code On
   Signal overriding or implementing deprecated method On
Forbidden reference (access rules): Error
Discouraged reference (access rules): Warning
Unnecessary code
Local variable is never read: Warning
Parameter is never read: Ignore
   Check overriding and implementing methods
Unused import:: Warning
Unused local or private member:: Warning
Unnecessary else statement:: Ignore
Unnecessary cast or ‘instanceof’ operation:: Warning
Unnecessary declaration of thrown checked exception:: Ignore
   Check overriding and implementing methods
Unused break/continue label:: Warning
Generic types
(Not applicable since TM does not use Java 5)
(Not applicable since TM does not use Java 5)
Process Javadoc comments (includes search and refactoring) On
Malformed Javadoc comments: Warning
   Only consider members visible as: Protected
   Report errors in tags On
   Report non visible references On
   Report deprecated references On
Missing Javadoc tags: Ignore
Missing Javadoc comments: Ignore

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