NOTE: Analysis is applied to the current filtered view
Claims on resources can be analyzed with the resource-usage analysis under the
menu. It has two items: Resource-usage graph, and resource-usage histogram.
Resource-usage graph
The resource-usage graph analysis creates a continuous signal for the resource-usage of selected resources.
The analysis has two parameters:
Use resource amount: this boolean parameter indicates whether the range of the created signal is the
amount of the resource that is claimed (true value), or the number of concurrent claims on that resource
(false value).
Window width (in seconds): indicates whether a sliding-window average of the instantaneous signal
should be computed.
A window width of 0 computes the instantaneous resource-usage signal. If the
window width is larger than 0, then the average of the instantaneous signal in the
specified window is used.
Figure 1 shows an example where two resource-usage signals are added for the memory resources in the
trace. These describe the amount of memory used.
Note that these extensions to the trace can be removed via the "clear filters or
extensions" menu ().
Figure 1: Resource-usage graphs for the two memory resources of the running example.
Resource-usage histogram
The resource-usage histogram analysis creates a histogram of the % of time that there are a certain number of concurrent
claims on the resource. This is useful to see, for instance, how much of the time there are more
processes running on a CPU than there are cores.
The histogram is shown in a separate view, see Figure 2 for example.
Figure 2: Resource-usage histogram for the two memory resources of the running example.