Eclipse UOMo 1.0 Snapshot (Incubation)
1. Unit Systems Update Site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/dependency/uom-systems/2.1a/
2. UOMo Update site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/latest/repository/
   Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
Eclipse UOMo 0.8 (Incubation)
1. Unit Systems Update Site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/dependency/uom-systems/1.3a/
2. UOMo Update site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/0.8/repository/
   Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.8.0.zip
Eclipse UOMo 0.7 (Incubation)
1. Unit Systems Update Site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/third-party/repository/
2. UOMo Update site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/0.7/repository/
   Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.7.0.zip
RC2 Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.7.0-RC2.zip
RC1 Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.7.0-RC1.zip
Eclipse UOMo 0.7 for Kepler (Eclipse 4.3)
Update site:  https://archive.eclipse.org/uomo/kepler/0.7/repository/
Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
Eclipse UOMo 0.6.1 (Incubation)
Update site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/0.6.1/repository/
Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.6.1.zip
Eclipse UOMo 0.6 (Incubation)
Update site:  https://download.eclipse.org/uomo/0.6/repository/
Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.6.0.zip
Use repository archives, if you are behind a firewall, have proxy problems with update sites in your corporate network of face other similar issues.
After downloading the archive, select it under "Install New Software" > "Add Repository" > "Archive..." and use as offline repository.
Older Versions
UOMo 0.6 for Kepler (Eclipse 4.3)
Update site:  https://archive.eclipse.org/uomo/kepler/0.6/repository/
Repository Archive to install Offline: eclipse-repository-0.6.0.zip