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Deployment Model
Learn more about our deployment model and guiding principles.
The Velocitas project uses a common deployment model. It uses
containers to increase the flexibility for the support of different programming languages and runtimes, which accelerates innovation and development. OCI-compliant containers also allow for a standardized yet flexible deployment process, which increases the ease of operation. Using OCI-compliant is portable to different architectures as long as there is support for OCI-compliant containers on the desired platform (e.g., like a container runtime for arm32, arm64 or amd64).
Guiding principles
The deployment model is guided by the following principles
- Applications are provided as OCI-compliant container images.
- The container runtime offers a control plane and API to manage the container lifecycle.
The template projects provided come with a pre-configured developer toolchain that accelerates the development process. The developer toolchain ensures an easy creation through a high-degree of automation of all required artifacts needed to follow the Velocitas principles.
Testing your container during development
The Velocitas project provides for developers a repository template and devcontainer that contains everything to build a containerized version of your app locally and test it. Check out our
e.g., for the
Python template
to learn more.
Automated container image builds
Velocitas uses GitHub workflows to automate the creation of your containerized application. A workflow is started with every increment of your application code that you push to your GitHub repository. The workflow creates a containerized version of your application and stores this container image in a registry. Further actions are carried out using this container (e.g., integration tests).
The workflows are set up to support multi-platform container creation and generate container images for amd64 and arm64 out of the box. This provides a great starting point for developers and lets you add additional support for further platforms easily.
1 - Build and Release Process
Learn more about the provided continuous integration, and release process of a Vehicle App.
The Velocitas project provides a two-stage process for development, continuous integration, and release of a new version of a Vehicle App.
Stage 1 - Build & Test
On every new push to the main
branch or every update to a pull request, a GitHub workflow is automatically executed to build your application as a container (optionally for different platforms), runs automated tests and code quality checks, and stores all results as GitHub artifacts for future reference with a
default retention period of 90 days
The workflow provides a quick feedback during development and improves efficient collaboration.
Stage 2 - Release
Once the application is ready to be released in a new version, a dedicated release workflow is automatically executed as soon as you create a new release via GitHub.
The release workflow bundles all relevant images and artifacts into one tagged set of files and pushes it to the GitHub Container Registry. In addition, all the information needed for quality assurance and documentation are published as release artifacts on GitHub. The image pushed to the GitHub Container Registry can afterwards be deployed on your target system using the Over-The-Air (OTA) update system of your choice.
The drawing below illustrates the different workflows, actions and artifacts that are automatically created for you. All workflows are intended as a sensible baseline and can be extended and adapted to the needs of your own project.

CI Workflow (
The Continuous Integration (CI) workflow
is triggered on every commit to the main branch or when creating/updating a pull request and contains a set of actions to achieve the following objectives:
- Building a container for the Vehicle App - actions create a containerized version of the Vehicle App.
- Scanning for vulnerabilities - actions scan your code and container for vulnerabilities and in case of findings the workflow will be marked as “failed”.
- Running integration tests - actions provision a runtime instance and deploy all required services as containers together with your containerized application to allow for automatically executing integration test cases. In case the test cases fail, the workflow will be marked as “failed”.
- Running unit tests & code coverage - actions run unit tests and calculate code coverage for your application, in case of errors or unsatisfactory code coverage, the workflow will be marked as “failed”.
- Storing scan & test results as GitHub action artifacts - actions store results from the previously mentioned actions for further reference or download as Github Action Artifacts.
Check out the example GitHub workflows in our
template repository for Python
The Build multi-arch image workflow
is triggered on every commit to the main branch and contains a set of actions to achieve the following objectives:
- Building a multi-arch container for the app - actions create a containerized version of the Vehicle App for multiple architectures (currently AMD64 and ARM64).
- Scanning for vulnerabilities - actions scan your code and container for vulnerabilities and in case of findings the workflow will be marked as “failed”.
- Storing container images to GitHub action artifacts - at the end of the workflow, the container image created is stored in a Github Action Artifacts so that it can be referenced by the Release Workflow later.
The Release workflow
is triggered as soon as the main
branch is ready for release and the Vehicle App developer creates a new GitHub release. This can be done manually through the GitHub UI.
On creating a new release with a specific new version, GitHub creates a tag and automatically runs the Release workflow
defined in .github/workflows/release.yml
, given that CI workflow
has run successfully for the current commit on the main branch.
The set of actions included in the Release workflow
cover the objective:
- Generating and publishing QA information - actions load the QA information from GitHub artifacts stored for the same commit reference and verify it. Additionally, release documentation is generated and added to the GitHub release. If there is no information available for the current commit, the release workflow will fail.
- Publish as GitHub pages - all information from the release together with the project documentation is built as a static page using hugo. The result is pushed to a separate branch and can be published as a GitHub page in your repository.
- Pull & label container image - actions pull the Vehicle App container image based on the current commit hash from the GitHub artifacts and label it with the specified tag version. If the image cannot be found, the workflow will fail.
- Push container image to - finally the labeled container image is pushed to the
GitHub container registry
and can be used as a deployment source.
GitHub Actions artifacts
GitHub Actions artifacts are used for storing data, which is generated by the CI workflow
and referenced by the Release workflow
. This saves time during workflow runs because we don’t have to create artifacts multiple times.
GitHub Actions artifacts always have a retention period, which is 90 days by default. This may be configured differently in the specific GitHub organization. After this period, the QA info gets purged automatically. In this case, a re-run of the CI workflow would be required to regenerate all QA info needed for creating a release.
Container Registry
GitHub container registry
is used for storing container images pushed by the Release workflow
. These images can easily be used for a deployment and don’t have a retention period.
Since the registry does not have an automatic cleanup, it keeps container images as long as they are not deleted. It is recommended that you automate the removal of older images to limit storage size and costs.
Vehicle App image versions are set to the Git tag name during release. Though any versioning scheme can be adopted, the usage of
semantic versions
is recommended.
If the tag name contains a semantic version, the leading v
will be trimmed.
Example: A tag name of v1.0.0
will lead to version 1.0.0
of the Vehicle App container.
Maintaining multiple versions
If there is a need to maintain multiple versions of a Vehicle App, e.g., to hotfix the production version while working on a new version at the same time or to support multiple versions in production, create and use release branches
The release process would be the same as described in the overview, except that a release branch (e.g., release/v1.0
) is created before the release step and the GitHub release is based on the release
branch rather than the main
branch. For hotfixes, release branches may be created retroactively from the release tag, if needed.