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Lifecycle Management
Learn more about our lifecycle management.
Once a repository has been created from one of our Vehicle App templates, basically the only way to receive updates into your derived repository is to manually pull changes, which would be quite tedious and error prone. This is where our Lifecycle Management comes to the rescue!
All of our main components of the development environment, like
- tools
- runtimes
- devcontainer configuration and setup
- build systems
- CI workflows
are (or will be) provided as versioned
which can be updated individually, if required.
The driver for this is our
Velocitas CLI
which is our package manager for Vehicle App repositories.

Here we can see how the MyVehicleApp
repository references package repositories by Velocitas, customer specific packages and some packages from a totally different development platform (Gitee).
If you want to learn more about how to reference and use packages check the sections for
project configuration
Lifecycle Management flow

1 - Project Configuration
Learn everything about Velocitas project configuration.
Every Vehicle App repo comes with a
which is the project configuration of your app. It holds references to the packages and their respective versions as well as components you are using in your project.
Here is an example of this configuration:
"packages": {
"devenv-runtimes": "v3.1.0",
"devenv-devcontainer-setup": "v2.1.0"
"components": [
"variables": {
"language": "python",
"repoType": "app",
"appManifestPath": "app/AppManifest.json",
"githubRepoId": "eclipse-velocitas/vehicle-app-python-template",
"generatedModelPath": "./gen/vehicle_model"
"cliVersion": "v0.9.0"
More detailed information and explanation about the project configuration and fields of the .velocitas.json
can be found
Next steps
2 - Velocitas CLI
Learn everything about the Velocitas CLI.
Velocitas CLI
is introduced to support the process of the lifecycle of a Vehicle App as a project manager.
You can find all information about available commands
CLI Flow examples
velocitas create
Create a new Velocitas Vehicle App project.
velocitas create
needs to be executed inside our generic
(inside the devcontainer) where a so called
is located for now, which is a central place of defining our extension and core packages with their respective exposed interfaces.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-template (main) $ velocitas create
Interactive project creation started
> What is the name of your project? MyApp
> Which programming language would you like to use for your project? (Use arrow keys)
❯ python
> Would you like to use a provided example? No
> Which functional interfaces does your application have? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
❯◉ Vehicle Signal Interface based on VSS and KUKSA Databroker
◯ gRPC service contract based on a proto interface description
Config 'src' for interface 'vehicle-signal-interface': URI or path to VSS json (Leave empty for default: v3.0)
velocitas init
Download packages configured in your .velocitas.json
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas init
Initializing Velocitas packages ...
... Downloading package: 'devenv-runtimes:v1.0.1'
... Downloading package: 'devenv-github-workflows:v2.0.4'
... Downloading package: 'devenv-github-templates:v1.0.1'
... Downloading package: 'devenv-devcontainer-setup:v1.1.7'
Running post init hook for model-generator
Running 'install-deps'
Single Package Init
Single packages can also easily be initialized or re-initialized using the package parameter -p / --package
and the specifier parameter -s / --specifier
. The specifier parameter can be either a git tag or a git hash. If the specifier parameter is omitted either the version defined in .velocitas.json
resp. the latest version of the specified package will be used automatically. After initialisation the package and it’s resolved version will be written to .velocitas.json
. If the package already exists in .velocitas.json
, however the versions differ it will be automatically updated to the specified version. If no components from the specified package are added to .velocitas.json
all components from this package are automatically written to it.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas init -p devenv-runtimes -s v3.0.0
Initializing Velocitas packages ...
... Package 'devenv-runtimes:v3.0.0' added to .velocitas.json
... Downloading package: 'devenv-runtimes:v3.0.0'
... > Running post init hook for ...
velocitas sync
If any package provides files they will be synchronized into your repository.
This will overwrite any changes you have made to the files manually! Affected files are prefixed with an auto generated notice:
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas sync
Syncing Velocitas components!
... syncing 'devenv-github-workflows'
... syncing 'devenv-github-templates'
... syncing 'devenv-devcontainer-setup'
velocitas upgrade
Updates Velocitas components.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas upgrade --dry-run [--ignore-bounds]
Checking .velocitas.json for updates!
... devenv-devcontainer-setup:vx.x.x → up to date!
... devenv-runtimes:vx.x.x → vx.x.x
... devenv-github-templates:vx.x.x → up to date!
... devenv-github-workflows:vx.x.x → up to date!
velocitas package
Prints information about packages.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas package devenv-devcontainer-setup
version: v1.1.7
- id: devcontainer-setup
type: setup
type: string
description: The programming language of the project. Either 'python' or 'cpp'
required: true
type: string
description: The type of the repository: 'app' or 'sdk'
required: true
type: string
description: Path of the AppManifest file, relative to the .velocitas.json
required: true
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas package devenv-devcontainer-setup -p
velocitas exec
Executes a script contained in one of your installed components.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas exec runtime-local run-vehicledatabroker
### Running Databroker ###
More detailed usage can be found at the
Velocitas CLI README
Cache Usage
The Velocitas CLI supports caching data for a Vehicle App project.
The cache data makes it easy for any script/program of a component to read from or write to.
More detailed information about the Project Cache can be found
Built-In Variables
The Velocitas CLI also creates default environment variables which are available to every script/program.
variable |
description |
Current working directory of the Vehicle App |
Vehicle App project specific cache directory. e.g, ~/.velocitas/cache/<generatedMd5Hash> |
JSON string of ~/.velocitas/cache/<generatedMd5Hash>/cache.json |
JSON string of the Vehicle App AppManifest |
More detailed information about Built-In Variables can be found
Next steps
3 - Phases
Learn about the different phases within the lifecycle of your project.
3.1 - Create
To be filled
To be filled.
Template based creation flow

Bootstrapping creation flow

Resulting Velocitas CLI and Velocitas Package changes
velocitas create
command shall be introduced
- it will guide through the project creation process, allowing the developer to add APIs and services at creation time which will reference the correct Velocitas CLI packages (either provided by Velocitas or by a 3rd party).
- in addition to an interactive mode where create is invoked without arguments, there shall be a CLI mode where all of the arguments shall be passable as arguments
Packages need to be available in a central registry (i.e. a new git repository) otherwise step 3 (depicted below) is not possible.
Packages need to expose which dependency types they are providing in their manifest. For each dependency type a human readable name for the type shall be exposed.
Interaction mockup
> velocitas create
... Creating a new Velocitas project!
> What is the name of your project?
> 1. Which programming language would you like to use for your project?
[ ] Python
[x] C++
> 2. Which integrations would you like to use? (multiple selections possible)
[x] Github
[x] Gitlab
[ ] Gitee
> 3. Which API dependencies does your project have?
[x] gRPC service
[ ] uProtocol service
> 4. Add an API dependency (y/n)?
> 5. What type of dependency?
[x] gRPC-IF
> 6. URI of the .proto file?
> 7. Add an(other) API dependency (y/n)?
... Project created!
Arguments mockup:
$ velocitas create \
--name MyApp \
--lang cpp \
--package grpc-service-support \
--require grpc-interface:https://some-url/if.proto
> Project created!
4 - Packages
Learn everything about Velocitas packages.
4.1 - Usage
Learn how to use velocitas packages.
After you have set up the .velocitas.json
for your
project configuration
, using packages is pretty straight forward.
Currently, the packages provided by the Velocitas team are the following:
To see how these provided packages are used inside a .velocitas.json
you can use the
Python template repository
as a reference.
Velocitas CLI
- acting as a package manager for Vehicle App repositories - is installed inside our
After creation of a devcontainer a
is configured to be executed which runs:
velocitas init
which will initialize all packages referenced in your .velocitas.json
. That means, it will download them and run their respective
programs, if any. (e.g,
automated model generation
velocitas sync
to sync files provided by some packages.
Check the section about our
Velocitas CLI
to learn more about the background and usage of it.
Velocitas Home Directory
The packages will be downloaded by the
Velocitas CLI
to ~/.velocitas/packages/<package_name>
. More Information:
Next steps
4.2 - Development
Learn how to develop an own package.
Getting started
First thing you need to do is to create a repository at e.g.,
. The URL needs to be referenced in the .velocitas.json
of your Vehicle App repository.
General configuration of Packages
Every Package repository needs a manifest.json
at their root. The manifest.json
is the package configuration and holds package relevant information and its behaviour.
Here are examples of this configuration:
The manifest of a package describes a list of components. They are a collection of programs or files that serve a similar purpose or are inheritly connected. I.e. they provide a single runtime, a deployment for a runtime or add configuration required for Github Workflows or the devcontainer.
More detailed information and explanation about configuration fields of the manifest.json
and package development can be found
Configuration of Runtime Packages
If you want to add a new service, adapt
. In order to use a newly created or updated service, new changes on
need to be tagged and referenced inside
of the respective package version via a tag or branch name of the repository. When a version is changed in your
you have to initialize it through velocitas init
from the terminal so the new package version will be installed. A new service can be started by using velocitas cli command velocitas exec runtime-local <service_id> <args>
which can be also configured inside your ./.vscode/tasks.json
If you plan to develop a Package with the purpose of managing the runtime used together with your Vehicle App the package needs a runtime.json
at their root. The runtime.json
is the runtime configuration containing all information for the relevant service dependencies with the following three required attributes:
Property |
Description |
id |
unique service id |
interfaces |
used for dependency resolution between Vehicle App and runtime |
config |
configurations in form of Key/Value pair with specific pre–defined keys and corresponding values |
Supported config keys of a service
Key |
Value Description |
image |
URI of a container image |
port |
port number |
port-forward |
port mapping for forwarding |
env |
environment variable used by the service: <env_key>=<env_value> |
mount |
path for mounting files: <source_path>:<target_path> |
arg |
argument for starting the service |
start-pattern |
optional start pattern for identifying if the service starts correctly |
Runtime configuration helper
"id": "<service_id>",
"interfaces": [
"config": [
"key": "image",
"value": "<image>:<tag>"
"key": "port",
"value": "<port_number>"
"key": "port-forward",
"value": "<source_port>:<target_port>"
"key": "env",
"value": "<env_key>=<env_value>"
"key": "mount",
"value": "<source_path>:<target_path>"
"key": "arg",
"value": "<arg>"
"key": "start-pattern",
"value": ".*Listening on \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+:\\d+"
In order to use a newly created or updated service, changes on the respective Package need to be tagged and referenced inside the
of your Vehicle App repository via a tag or branch name of the repository. More info about installation:
A new service can be started manually and/or configured inside your ./.vscode/tasks.json
velocitas exec runtime-<runtime> <service_id> <args>
Next steps
5 - Troubleshooting
Known issues and fixes.
GitHub rate limit exceeded
To avoid exceeding GitHubs rate limit we suggest to generate a personal access token in your
GitHub settings
and set it as an environment variable:
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<your_api_token>
set GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<your_api_token>
Set environment variable via system settings GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<your_api_token>
After you have set the ENV consider to restart VS Code.
It is important that VS Code has access to this ENV during the postCreateCommand
inside the devcontainer.
If you experienced this error and the devcontainer still has started correctly please run either:
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ ./.devcontainer/scripts/
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas init
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas sync
Debugging inside installed packages
Open up a seperate VScode window where you can debug installed toolchain packages.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ code ~/.velocitas/packages
Solution to (almost) all problems
The following would clean up the
but afterwards a new project initialization is required.
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ rm -rf ~/.velocitas
vscode ➜ /workspaces/vehicle-app-python-template (main) $ velocitas init