Attending: David Williams, Mitch Sonies, Naci Dai, Christophe Ney, Dominique De Vito
Planning Comittee Status by Dominique
- Good news about the new infrastructure: the new webmaster is very helpful and quick to reply !
- Our 2 new committers, Valeriy Pelyushenko and Gorkem Ercan, have now their committer rights
- According to email exchanges with some OSS Eclipse plugins' teams, the WTP project appears now
more attractive to new contributors
- We are waiting the Bjorn's return about the contact with Alex Fitzpatrick from the OSS JSEditor Eclipse plugin
- Uwe Voigt, of the DbEdit plugin, would be
interested in bringing his experience and knowledge into the WTP project
- Ed Merks, from the XSD Eclipse technology project,
seems interested to work on WTP schema capabilities. To confirm.
- Exchange of emails with Pollinate for a better
WTP/Pollinate synchronization and a better WTP milestones planification. In short term, Pollinate is
interested in JSP editor and flexible project layout. In a longer term, Pollinate is interested in Web
Services support (not before Q2 2005).
- Dominique to post M4-M5 draft, this evening, on wtp-pmc, for first comments and then, on for community comments
Charter by Christophe
- To resolve a potential ambiguity in the charter about committer vote approval, we have voted
'yes' for the charter change proposal of the previous week.
- The committer vote approval for Jens Lukowski is still on-going. Due to the charter change, the
time counter is reset to zero and this vote process will last no more than 7 days, starting from now
Milestone Dates by David
- David mentionned WTP M2 should be based on Eclipse 3.1M4, not on 3.1M3 as stated by the current
milestone plan. Everyone agrees.
- Dominique to do the correction of that mistake on
Adoption Rate of Contributed Code by Naci
- Continued discussion of how quickly to put the contributed code into CVS.
- Naci brings the idea of an incubator, a space for code under review, before putting it into
- Should we define a workflow for acceptation of code in main stream WTP codebase !?
- David proposed the idea to put code into CVS, that may be, or not upon status, part of the
- We need to formalize better, to write down somes notes about the review process and the CVS
- David is going to check the Eclipse development process and to highlight that process to look
for guidelines
On the Queue for Next Week
- Discussion the WebDAV component (reflexion in progress)
- 'Making noise' by Mitch
Minutes taken by Christophe Ney, October 26, 2004, and posted by
Dominique De Vito, the following day