Call Info
Tollfree in the US: 866-214-3176
Alternate: 404-827-9098
Access code: 8870689#
Call Time: 7am PDT / 10am PDT
PMC Members
- Tim Wagner: Y
- David Williams: Y
- Naci Dai: N
- Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y
- Jochen Krause: Y
- Arthur Ryman: R
Invited Guests
- Neil Hauge (JPA/Dali): Y
- Bob Goodman (ATF): Y
- Jean Choi: N
- Pieter Humphrey: Y
- Pieter Humphrey: WTP 1.5.2 announcements and news postings sent out
- EclipseCon Tutorial Selection
Short Tutorials:- 3638
- 3654
- 3633
- 3581
- AI: Pieter to send reminders of long/panel submission deadline on 12/1.
Requirements and 2.0 Planning
- Minutes of meeting published (see wtp-dev email)
- SAP contact information available for EE 5 extension discussion (also see recent email to wtp-dev)
- AI: David - Language around Java 5 adoption guidelines.
Build Status (David)
- 162974 ready for testing today
- 1.5.3 will be part of Europa on 2/16
- 2.0 status: Dali plugins are part of WTP build; build is now sensitive to the execution environment (like VM level)
ATF (Bob)
- JavaScript editor planning going forward
- Some progress in getting Mac support; will likely require changes to base Mozilla browser support; have someone visiting Mozilla who is focused on this
- AI Bob: Work with Tim on tech preview planning logistics
Dali/JPA (Neil)
- Build integration achieved!
- J5 needed; tidying up build to accommodate
- Dali added to download page
JSF (Raghu)
- Plugin refactoring completed; reduced total number of plugins (to be released post M3)
- Visual editor planning to complete by end of month
Action Items and Owners
Agenda/Minutes by Tim Wagner, November 14, 2006. Please send any corrections needed.