Call Info
Tollfree in the US: 866-214-3176
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Access code: 8870689#
Call Time: 7am PDT / 10am PDT
PMC Members
- Tim Wagner: Y
- David Williams: Y
- Naci Dai: Y
- Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y
- Jochen Krause: R
- Arthur Ryman: Y
Invited Guests
- Pieter Humphrey: Y
- Neil Hauge (JPA/Dali): Y
- Bob Goodman (ATF): Y
- Jean Choi: N
- Eclipse Program Committee expanded the number of tutorial allocations for WTP, and the PMC has now finalized tutorial acceptances in its area. (See EclipseCon: Web Development Track for Eclipse information.)
- PMC discussed listing contributor and adopter information on the WTP website; Pieter to make a proposal for this for PMC review.
Requirements and 2.0 Planning
- EE 5: Summary of email threads moved to Wiki page, and Naci will compose a working group to carry this proposal forward. (AI: Send invite.) General idea is to do this as a separate package that extends the existing J2EE models. XML translator framework and annotations are two of the identified challenges; will look at what Dali has done in this area.
- AI: David - Language around Java 5 adoption guidelines.
Build Status (David)
- 1.5.3: first declared build last week
- 2.0: M3 declared, includes Dali and prereqs DTP
- Project version interop testing discussion. Agreed that test plan is needed in this area, and requires representative projects in CVS for testing. AI: David - follow up with Chuck.
ATF (Bob)
- Reworking personality builder and defining extension points in that area.
- Also defining APIs in browser area.
- JavaScript editor: some interest from others in engaging with this effort; depending on scope, will investigate whether a new component or project is indicated. See the proposal on the ATF Wiki.
- AI Bob: Work with Tim on tech preview planning logistics (post Thanksgiving).
Dali/JPA (Neil)
- M3 includes Dali core/db plugins and includes Java 5 and DTP dependencies working
- Presenting Dali to user working group this week and describing existing limitations and how to proceed on annotation and XML editing
- Documentation describes how to install JPA runtimes
JSF (Raghu, by email)
- Refactoring for WTP 2.0 complete, plan to release by COB Tuesday.
- Working on Visual Page Designer design
- Milestone planning should be complete by 28th.
- EclipseCon: Submitted long talk on Extending the JSF Tools Project
Action Items and Owners
Agenda/Minutes by Tim Wagner, November 21, 2006. Please send any corrections needed.