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Time: 1500 UTC
PMC Members
- David Williams: Y
- Naci Dai: Y
- Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y
- Neil Hauge: Y
- Tim deBoer: R
- Kaloyan Raev: R
Announcements and General Business
- Any comments/suggestions on this draft of Termination Review?
I've asked Philippe for feedback within a week. After that time, about 4/21, I'd like to send to Eclipse Foundation for distribution, but schedule the actual review about a month out, approximately 5/21, so there will be sufficient time for counter proposals if anyone is interested
Comment from Raghu was to add more detail when it's available, such as "number of commits", "number of posts", and who exactly is interested, etc. I don't think this is strictly required, but I agreed to add some, as time permits. Note: some of the existing examples may have had more detail since it was, basically, the Eclipse Foundation asking for the termination, not the project leadership itself.
- Naci mentioned we already have a new tutorial contribution to Education section, from Open University. He'll had news items. (And, I should subscribe to Education component!)
- Naci is teaching a class until mid-May so we'll only be available the first 15 minutes of each PMC call.
- Naci agreed to look into "welcome screen" contribution, since it would (mostly) just point back to our Education section.
- We discussed idea of having a new contest for a new logo. We need so we can have improved icons for "about
box" in Galileo release.
Some thought it was too late to start, not enough time for this release. Others thought there might be enough time, and it wouldn't hurt to try ... if no clear "winner" we could just keep going for next release. We'd want to spell out the different formats required, one for web page (both large and small) and icon formats and ... anything else?
- Spent some time discussing policy vs. practice of moving up pre-reqs (e.g. platform, emf, etc.).
The main conclusion was we (or, I) don't have the resource to do automatically each week, though that's probably desirable (ideally after someone sanity checks it, but maybe that's not practical). So, bottom line for now is "upon request" (to wtp-releng) or until I think about it, which ever comes first) :).
Reports, Actions, Issues
Requirements: Raghu Srinivasan
Raghu noted we should remind PLs to update plans every milestone.
- Planning Process Document has been started.
- Eclipse-level dates and requirements have been clarified in a Planning Council message (and elsewhere).
- WTP Requirements Lead Role
Planning: David Williams
- M7
WTP User Experience Lead: Kaloyan Raev
- ?
Quality: Neil Hauge
- WTP Quality Lead
- See also Quality Page
Architecture: Tim deBoer
Tim still owes writeup of tips on how to get started.
- WTP Architecture Lead Role
- Tracking meetings and work at WTP Architecture Working Group
Education: Naci Dai
Naci reports web pages for education materials are about ready. He is writing article, as deadline is in December. Raghu was only response he got for being interested in contributing too.
Please review: Resource Page Proposal
Naci Reports continuing to work on articles
Working with Ian to do a press release on education materials. Prior or concurrent with EclipseCon
General business?
Other projects to watch:
PMC Calendar
Back to meeting list.
Please send any additions or corrections to David Williams.