Call Info
Tollfree in the US: 877-421-0030
Alternate: 770-615-1247
Access code: 173098#
list of phone numbers
Time: 8:00 AM Pacific; 11:00 AM Eastern; 1500 UTC
PMC Members
- David Williams: Y
- Naci Dai: N
- Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y
- Neil Hauge: Y
- Tim deBoer: R
- Kaloyan Raev: Y
Announcements and General Business
- Any news on OSGi EE Tools Proposal?
Kaloyan gave brief update, that Naci/Eteration are interested in contributing, discussions with SpringSource/VMWare/Virgo people has started. Chris A. (redhat/PDE) will be one mentor and interetested to be sure PDE is true "bundle development environment". No word on why not yet announced, with newsgroup [I talked to Wayne, via IM, after meeting, and he said he'd "do it today".]
Kaloyan will be at ESE and looks forward to discussions there.
- JAXRS Tooling?
Neil mentioned an unanswered newsgroup/forum/mailing list post. We agreed it was fine for a PMC member to send email to project leads, pointing out an item of interest that they might be interested in responding to.
Future Agenda items
- Retrospect Helios quick maintenance release. Does it mean we weren't ready to release? Any way to improve timing in future?
- Disuss our model and assignments of "PMC Roles". Do they still make sense?
Back to meeting list.
Please send any additions or corrections to David Williams.