Call Info
Toll free (in US and Canada): 888-426-6840
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Caller pay alternative number: 215-861-6239
list of global access numbers
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern
PMC Members
- David Williams: Y
- Naci Dai: N
- Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y
- Neil Hauge: Y
- Tim deBoer: N
- Kaloyan Raev: Y
- Chuck Bridgham: Y
Announcements and General Business
Remember to monitor PMC review list for 3.3.0 end game..
Remember to monitor PMC review list for 3.2.4 end game.
Any concerns remaining about releasing 3.2.4 on Friday?
There were no concerns.
The IP Log to be submitted on 5/18. Who wants to push submit button? Volunteers?
dw to "press submit" once jdom issue settled. Next step, dw to make copy of last years release docs, then ask PLs to review/edit.
Other Business ... ?
Chuck will send reminder, and pointer to udpated queries, about large number of bugs still targeted to Indigo RC, and remind teams to triage those lists, to be realistic and accurate.
Future Agenda items
- Discuss our model and assignments of "PMC Roles". Do they still make sense?
Back to meeting list.
Please send any additions or corrections to David Williams.