Call Info
Toll free (in US and Canada): 888-426-6840
Access code:
Caller pay alternative number: 215-861-6239
list of global access numbers
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
PMC Members
- Chuck Bridgham: Y
- Naci Dai: N
- Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y
- Neil Hauge: Y
- Kaloyan Raev: N
- David Williams: N
- Carl Anderson: Y
Announcements and General Business
Project releases / Builds
- WTP 3.7.1(MARS.1 RC4)
- WTP 3.8.0(Neon M2)
Neon planning
- Let's stop using the old php planning docs,and only use the new projects site
- For example
- Let's review Java version support, API compatibility, themes etc (Revisit 9-15 meeting)
- Current plan
Gerrit adoption
- Webservices and Java EE done, Other projects lined up to move forward - Need to keep send reminders / more instructions
- Gerrit Access Primer
Where are we with CBI?
- Remaining open bugs
- Suggestions on how to resolve?
Long Term Sticky items
CQ PMC approvals...
Other Business ... ?
Future Agenda items
- Discuss our model and assignments of "PMC Roles". Do they still make sense?
Back to meeting list.
Please send any additions or corrections to Chuck Bridgham.