Overview |
| This document describes the J2EE Operations API contributed to M2.
This API will be growing and changing over the subsequent milestone
releases. For M2, the API allows for for simple project creation,
import, and export for:
The WTPOperationDataModel classes mentioned below will likely become API in the future.
Please note, however, that these classes will go through significant changes as they
are cleaned up for API and modified to handle the upcoming flexible project structure (i.e. feel free to look at them, but do not use them as API).
Enterprise Applications |
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.operations.EnterpriseApplicationCreationDataModel |
public static void createProject(java.lang.String projectName,
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath projectLocation,
int applicationVersion)
- Creates an Enterprise Application project with the specified
name and version in the specified location.
- Parameters:
projectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project to create.
projectLocation - Sets the local file system
location for the described project. The path must be either an
absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first segment
is the name of a defined workspace path variable. If null
is specified, the default location is used.
applicationVersion - Sets the J2EE Version for the
descibed project. The version must be one of J2EEVersionConstants.J2EE_1_2_ID ,
J2EEVersionConstants.J2EE_1_3_ID , or J2EEVersionConstants.J2EE_1_4_ID .
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.operations.EnterpriseApplicationImportDataModel |
public static void importArchive(java.lang.String earFileName,
java.lang.String earProjectName)
- Imports the specified Enterprise Application archive file into
the specified Enterprise Application project.
- Parameters:
earFileName - The path to the EAR file.
earProjectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project where the Enterprise Application should be
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.operations.EnterpriseApplicationExportDataModel |
public static void exportProject(java.lang.String earProjectName,
java.lang.String earFileName,
boolean overwriteExisting,
boolean exportSource)
- Exports the specified Enterprise Appliction project to the
specified EAR file.
- Parameters:
earProjectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project to export.
earFileName - The fully qualified EAR file
location to export the specified Enterprise Application project.
overwriteExisting - If this is true
then an existing file at the location specified by earFileName
will be overwritten.
exportSource - If this is true then
all source files in the specified Enterprise Application Project
and all its modules will be included in the resulting EAR file.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
Web Modules |
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.web.archive.operations.WebModuleCreationDataModel |
public static void createProject(java.lang.String projectName,
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath projectLocation,
int webModuleVersion) |
- Creates a Web project with the specified name and version in the
specified location.
- Parameters:
projectName - The name of the Web project to
projectLocation - Sets the local file system
location for the described project. The path must be either an
absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first segment
is the name of a defined workspace path variable. If null
is specified, the default location is used.
webModuleVersion - Version for the descibed project. The version must be one of the
following: J2EEVersionConstants.WEB_2_2_ID , J2EEVersionConstants.WEB_2_3_ID ,
or J2EEVersionConstants.WEB_2_4_ID .
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.web.archive.operations.WebModuleImportDataModel |
public static void importArchive(java.lang.String warFileName,
java.lang.String webProjectName,
boolean addToEar,
java.lang.String earProjectName) |
- Imports the specified WAR file into the specified Web Module
- Parameters:
warFileName - The path to the WAR file.
webProjectName - The name of the Web project where
the Web Module should be imported.
addToEar - If this is true then Web
project specified by webProjectName will be added to
the Enterprise Application project specified by earProjectName .
earProjectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project to add the specified Web project to. This field
is only relevant if addToEar is set to true .
If this is set to null then a default name computed
from the webProjectName will be used.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.web.archive.operations.WebModuleExportDataModel |
public static void exportProject(java.lang.String webProjectName,
java.lang.String warFileName,
boolean overwriteExisting,
boolean exportSource) |
- Exports the specified Web Module project to the specified WAR
- Parameters:
webProjectName - The name of the Web Module
project to export.
warFileName - The fully qualified WAR file
location to export the specified Web Module project.
overwriteExisting - If this is true
then an existing file at the location specified by earFileName
will be overwritten.
exportSource - If this is true then
all source files in the specified Web Module will be included in
the resulting WAR file.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
EJB Modules |
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.ejb.project.operations.EJBModuleCreationDataModel |
public static void createProject(java.lang.String projectName,
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath projectLocation,
int ejbModuleVersion)
- Creates an EJB project with the specified name and version in
the specified location.
- Parameters:
projectName - The name of the EJB project to
projectLocation - Sets the local file system
location for the described project. The path must be either an
absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first segment
is the name of a defined workspace path variable. If null
is specified, the default location is used.
ejbModuleVersion - Sets the EJB Module Version for
the descibed project. The version must be one of J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_1_1_ID ,
J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_2_0_ID , or J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_2_1_ID .
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.ejb.project.operations.EJBModuleImportDataModel |
public static void importArchive(java.lang.String ejbJarFileName,
java.lang.String ejbProjectName,
boolean addToEar,
java.lang.String earProjectName) |
- Imports the specified EJB Jar file into the specified EJB Module
- Parameters:
ejbJarFileName - The path to the EJB Jar file.
ejbProjectName - The name of the EJB project where
the EJB Module should be imported.
addToEar - If this is true then EJB
project specified by ejbProjectName will be added to
the Enterprise Application project specified by earProjectName .
earProjectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project to add the specified EJB project to. This field
is only relevant if addToEar is set to true .
If this is set to null then a default name computed
from the ejbProjectName will be used.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.ejb.project.operations.EJBModuleExportDataModel |
public static void exportProject(java.lang.String ejbProjectName,
java.lang.String ejbJarFileName,
boolean overwriteExisting,
boolean exportSource)
- Exports the specified EJB Module project to the specified EJB
JAR file.
- Parameters:
ejbProjectName - The name of the EJB Module
project to export.
ejbJarFileName - The fully qualified EJB JAR file
location to export the specified EJB Module project.
overwriteExisting - If this is true
then an existing file at the location specified by earFileName
will be overwritten.
exportSource - If this is true then
all source files in the specified EJB Module will be included in
the resulting EJB JAR file.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
Application Client Modules |
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.applicationclient.creation.AppClientModuleCreationDataModel |
public static void createProject(java.lang.String projectName,
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath projectLocation,
int applicationClientVersion)
- Creates an Application Client project with the specified name
and version in the specified location.
- Parameters:
projectName - The name of the Application Client
project to create.
projectLocation - Sets the local file system
location for the described project. The path must be either an
absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first segment
is the name of a defined workspace path variable. If null
is specified, the default location is used.
applicationClientVersion - Sets the Application
Client Module Version for the descibed project. The version must be
one of J2EEVersionConstants.J2EE_1_2_ID , J2EEVersionConstants.J2EE_1_3_ID ,
or J2EEVersionConstants.J2EE_1_4_ID .
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.applicationclient.creation.AppClientModuleImportDataModel |
public static void importArchive(java.lang.String appClientJarFileName,
java.lang.String appClientProjectName,
boolean addToEar,
java.lang.String earProjectName)
- Imports the specified Application Client Jar file into the
specified Application Client Module project.
- Parameters:
appClientJarFileName - The path to the Application
Client Jar file.
appClientProjectName - The name of the Application
Client project where the Application Client Module should be
addToEar - If this is true then
Application Client project specified by appClientJarFileName
will be added to the Enterprise Application project specified by earProjectName .
earProjectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project to add the specified Application Client project
to. This field is only relevant if addToEar is set to
true . If this is set to null then a
default name computed from the appClientJarFileName
will be used.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.operations.AppClientModuleExportDataModel |
public static void exportProject(java.lang.String appClientProjectName,
java.lang.String appClientJarFileName,
boolean overwriteExisting,
boolean exportSource)
- Parameters:
appClientProjectName - The name of the Application
Client Module project to export.
appClientJarFileName - The fully qualified
Application Client Jar file location to export the specified
Application Client Module project.
overwriteExisting - If this is true
then an existing file at the location specified by earFileName
will be overwritten.
exportSource - If this is true then
all source files in the specified Application Client Module will be
included in the resulting Application Client Jar file.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
Connector Modules |
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.jca.operations.ConnectorModuleCreationDataModel |
public static void createProject(java.lang.String projectName,
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath projectLocation,
int connectorModuleVersion)
- Creates an Connector project with the specified name and version
in the specified location.
- Parameters:
projectName - The name of the Connector project to
projectLocation - Sets the local file system
location for the described project. The path must be either an
absolute file system path, or a relative path whose first segment
is the name of a defined workspace path variable. If null
is specified, the default location is used.
connectorModuleVersion - Sets the JCA Version for
the descibed project. The version must be either J2EEVersionConstants.JCA_1_0_ID
or J2EEVersionConstants.JCA_1_5_ID .
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.jca.operations.ConnectorModuleImportDataModel |
public static void importArchive(java.lang.String rarFileName,
java.lang.String connectorProjectName,
boolean addToEar,
java.lang.String earProjectName)
- Parameters:
rarFileName - The path to the RAR file.
connectorProjectName - The name of the Connector
project where the Connector Module should be imported.
addToEar - If this is true then
Connector project specified by connectorProjectName
will be added to the Enterprise Application project specified by earProjectName .
earProjectName - The name of the Enterprise
Application project to add the specified Connector project to. This
field is only relevant if addToEar is set to true .
If this is set to null then a default name computed
from the connectorProjectName will be used.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0
| org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.jca.operations.ConnectorModuleExportDataModel |
public static void exportProject(java.lang.String connectorProjectName,
java.lang.String rarFileName,
boolean overwriteExisting,
boolean exportSource)
- Exports the specified Connector Module project to the specified
Connector RAR file.
- Parameters:
connectorProjectName - The name of the Connector
Module project to export.
rarFileName - The fully qualified Connector RAR
file location to export the specified Connector Module project.
overwriteExisting - If this is true
then an existing file at the location specified by earFileName
will be overwritten.
exportSource - If this is true then
all source files in the specified Connector Module will be included
in the resulting Connector RAR file.
- Since:
- WTP 1.0