jst j2ee
test plan: Creating a Dynamic Web Project

Creating a static Web project


You can create a static web project from any perspective.


  1. From any perspective, click File > New > Project...

  2. In the New Project wizard page, expand Web, and select Simple Web Project

  3. Click Next.

  4. Enter StaticWebProject1 into Project Name field, and click Finish.

Creating a Dynamic Web project


You can create a dynamic web project from any perspective.

  1. From any perspective, click File > New > Project...

  2. In the New Project wizard page, expand Web, and select J2EE Web Project

  3. Click Next.

  4. Enter DynamicWebProject1 into Project Name field.

  5. Click the button New... for Target server, and in New Server Runtime wizard page, expand Basic, and select J2EE Runtime Library.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Click Browse... button for Location, and point to your J2EE runtime directory in your file system, and click Finish.

  8. Click Finish on Dynamic Web Project wizard page.