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test plan: wtp project explorer.
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WTP Project Explorer Core Function

The WTP Project Explorer is developed as a generic framework for third party vendors to extend. Basic facilities for improving usability and coordination among contributions are discussed below.

Show Projects / Working Sets

By default, when the WTP Project Explorer surfaces, the available module groupings will be shown.


Figure 1: By default, the available module groupings are presented to the user.


These groupings associate similar projects under a logical ("abstract") header. Users can choose to show only the simple projects by


Figure 2: Select "Show Projects/ Working Sets" to disable or enable the Groups.


Select "Projects" from the WTP Project Explorer View Menu. Ensure that the projects appear in the root of the viewer. Select "Working Sets" from the WTP Project Explorer View Menu. Ensure that the projects are grouped.


Figure 3: Ensure that when the "Working Sets" is selected, the projects are grouped. Otherwise, the projects should appear on the root of the viewer.

Collapse All

The "Collapse All" button pushes the WTP Project Explorer into a fully collapsed state. Expand a few items in the viewer and then toggle the "Collapse All" button.


Figure 4: The "Collapse All" button should force all expanded nodes into a collapsed state.

Link with Editor

The "Link with Editor" button keeps the current selection in the WTP Project Explorer in sync with the open editors (when possible). Unlike the Java Package Explorer or the Resource Navigator, it may not always be possible to isolate an exact selection. However, resource selections and Java selections should always be functional.


Figure 5: When the Link with Editor button is depressed, an appropriate selection should be automatically highlighted based on the active editor. When the selection in the WTP Project Explorer is changed by the user, an appropriate editor should be activated as needed.


Before proceeding, ensure that you have created a few Java classes and simple text file. If you skipped the previous section on creating Java and resource content, please return to it now before proceeding. The following steps require at least the creation of a Java project with a Java class and a text file. Together, these two artifacts should be sufficient to make sure that the "Link with Editor" support is working as designed for Java and resource content.


Now that you have a few resources to use for this test, toggle the "Link with Editor" button so that it is in a depressed state. Double click under Java1/src/test.pakg/ to open this file in the Java editor. Then double click TestFile.txt to open this file in a text editor. Now as you change your selection in the WTP Project Explorer, the correct editor should automatically activate and come to the forefront. When you select the editor, it should activate the correct selection in the WTP Project Explorer.

Filters and Types of Content

In order to customize the look and feel of the WTP Project Explorer and to allow the ability to show or hide content based on a user's input, filters are used. The filters can prevent an uninterested user from seeing types of extraneous content or files.


The filters dialog is accesed by hitting the triangle on the top right of the Project Explorer and selecting Filters...


Figure 6: Select "Filters..." from the viewer menu in the Project Explorer.


The first tab of this dialog is the Filters tab:


Figure 7: The Filters dialog has two tabs. The first tab, "Filters", allows you to select content to hide.


It is important to note that filters which are checked here are enabled to hide content.

  • As a simple test, check and uncheck filters here and make sure the content is updated accordingly in the WTP Project Explorer.


The second tab of this dialog is the "Types of content" page:


Figure 8: The second tab, ."Types of content", allows to choose what broad types of content to show.


It is import to note that unlike the first page, extensions checked here will enable to show content, not hide it.

  • As a simple test, check and uncheck navigator extensions in the content list and ensure the WTP Project Explorer is updated accordingly.

Selecting Working Sets to view

In the "Working set" mode select "Configure Working Sets...".


Figure 9: Configuring working sets.


Uncheck "Ejb Projects" and "Connector Projects". Ensure that the Project Explorer does not show Ejb Projects and Connector Projects in the navigator and the the Ejb Projects and Connector Projects are moved in the "Other Projects" if they do not contain any other components.


Figure 10: Configuring working sets dialog.

Figure 11: Navigator not showing Ejb Projects and Connector Projects.


Return to overview.