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test plan: wtp project explorer.
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Creating Java elements and simple resources
Create a Java project by right clicking within the WTP Project Explorer and selecting "New > Project". When the wizard dialog presents itself, select "Java" and then click "Next". On the "New Java Project" dialog, select the option to create separate source and output folders.

Figure 1.1: Right click on the open space in the WTP Project Explorer viewer and select "New > Project"

Figure 1.2: Select "Java Project" in the "New" dialog and click "Next"

Figure 1.3: Enter "Java1" as the project name and select the option to create separate source and output folders

Figure 1.4: Select "No" when the "Confirm Perspective Switch" question dialog presents itself

Figure 1: Create a new Java Project.

Once you have created your Java Project, create a Java class and a simple resource.

Figure 2.1: Right click on the Java project created earlier and select "New > Class"

Figure 2.2: Enter "test.pakg" as the Java package and "TestClass" as the name of the class and click "Finish"

Figure 2: Create a new Java class.

Now create a simple file.

Figure 3.1: Right click on the Java project created earlier and select "New > Other..."

Figure 3.2: Select "File" in the "New" dialog and click "Next"

Figure 3.3: Enter "TestFile.txt" as the name of the file and click "Finish"

Figure 3: Create a new file. Name the file "TestFile.txt" when creating the file


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