jst j2ee
Creating a Web Module
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This test case outlines the steps required to create a Web Module in a Flexible Java Project.

Creating a Web Module
  1. From any perspective, click File > New > Project > Web > Dynamic Web Project ...

  2. Click Next.

  3. In the New Web Module wizard, enter the Project Name of 'WebProject'.

  4. Click Next to go to Select Project Facets Page. You can install additional factets and bind to a runtime.

  5. Click Next to go to Settings Page. You can overwrite the default settings here.

  6. Click Finish on New Web Module wizard. Your project and Web module have now been created.

  7. After the wizard finishes, if you are not already in the J2EE perspective, you will be prompted to switch agree by selecting 'Yes'. In the J2EE perspective you will see the "WebModule" in the Project Explorer.

    After expanding take special notice of the modules which have been created. The WebModule folder (as well as the contained WebContent/META-INF, WEB-INF, JavaSource folders) which represents the Web module.

  8. Next create a Test java class in the Web Modules source folder 'JavaSource'. Defaults are provided in the following image.

    Manually build if you have auto-build turned off.

  9. Switching now to the Resource perspective the ouput of the builder can be verified. In the Navigator, you will see all resources as they exist on disk. After expanding the Java Project you will notice a '.deployables' folder. This folder represents the deployable output (J2EE spec compliant) generated via the Component Structural Builder.

    After expanding take notice of the modules under the .deployables. You will now see one representing the 'WebModule'. In the WebModule, take special notice of the WEB-INF/classes/sample/Test.class representing the correct runtime output location for classes created in a web's JavaSource. Also insure the web.xml and Manifest.mf are in the correct locations.