JST Web Services Tools Milestone 4 Test Plan JST Web Services Tools Milestone 4 Test Plan |
Status of this Plan | |
Proposed Plan (4-15-2005) | |
Overall goals | |
Co-developer Testing | |
We will inspect "runtime" version of build to be sure extra source is not included, and more important, we'll inspect and test importing SDK version to be sure all relevant "open source" is included in that SDK build and that it correctly imports into a development environment. | |
API Testing | |
We don't have any official API yet in M4 but will reserve this space for future plans to details where API Unit tests are, their coverage, etc. We will be doing some API unit tests on the internal provisional APIs in m4. | |
End User Testing | |
We will be testing the Web Services wizard, Web Services Client wizard, Web Services context menus, Web Services preferences pages and the Web Services Explorer. | |
As we progress through milestones, we'll add more and more specific details to each scenario. | |
Platform Testing | |
While we do not have any platform specific code, or function, we will have some team members do end-user tests on Linux, some on Windows. | |
Performance Testing | |
We are in the process of adding some automated test cases. We will continue to add more test cases in upcoming milestones. | |
Functionality | |
Our emphasis for M4 has been on the design of a new provisional API that the community can begin using to extend the Web services platform. Because of our focus on the provisional API and the porting of existing wizards to exploit that provisional API, the implementation and functionality of Web services in M4 is not as stable as it was in M3. See the Test Scenarios section for specific workarounds. | |
Note that because of classloading issues with Tomcat (See defect 91018 for more detail), only the WSDL and WSIL functionality of the Web Service Explorer are functional in M4. The UDDI functionality used for the discovery and publishing of a Web service to UDDI is not available in M4. | |
Test scenarios | |
For all the scenarios involving the creation and consumption of Axis Web services, the users need to do the following first before running any of the test scenarios with the Web service wizard or Web service client wizard: | |
| |
Note that the Next button is always enabled in the Web Service wizard and Web Service Client wizard. If you are on the last page of the wizard, hitting Next would not do anything and you will have to hit Finish to dismiss the wizard. | |
Here are the scenarios: | |
Axis bottom up Java Web services | |
Axis top down Java Web services | |
Axis Web Service client Java proxy | |
Web Service Explorer | |
Web Service context menus | |
Web Services preferences | |
Dynamic Wizard Framework |