Testing Axis2 Web
services Preference Pages Testing Axis2 Web services Preference Pages |
Ensure that the following preference page functions properly. |
Internet Preference Page | |
Axis2 Runtime Install Page | |
This page will validate an valid Axis2 runtime location on your local disk. The valid Axis2 runtimes will be the folder containing the Axis2.war or the extracted Axis2 binary distribution folder itself. If correctly pointed to the Axis2 runtime the preference page will dispalay runtime loaded succesful message else will display an error message. |
Axis2 Preferences Page | |
This page has the setting of the axis2 server codegen, client codegen and aar options. This settings will be persist irrespective of the workbench restart. The selection alterations on this page shuld be visible in the appropriate wizard pages. The changes doen to Axis2 Runtime Preferences will be available in the Axis2 Tip Down wizard at the preference page. Changes in the client codegen will be visible in the Axis2 web services client wizard at the preferences page. etc. |
Web services Preference Pages | |
Server and Runtime | |
The Server and Runtime page lets you choose your favourite server, Web service runtime and J2EE level. If you select Axis2 as the default runtime then all the web services wizards shuold be selected Axis2 as the defaults. |