In all scenarios below, move the slider to the start setting. Do not generate the JUnit tests unless instructed.
Workspace set-up, and launching the axis2 client wizard pointing to the wsdl.
select the HTTP port and generate the web service client.
Test the client against the web service by copying the file to the package with the other generated client files. Run the file as a Java application. CurrencyConverterClient
Repeat the test for SOAP11 and SOAP12 ports.
Workspace set-up, and launching the axis2 client wizard pointing to the wsdl.
set a custom package mapping and generate the web service client, so the generated client must adhere the custom package.
Test the client against the web service by copying the file to the package with the other generated client files. Run the file as a Java application. StockQuoteServiceClient
In previous tests, we generated both sync and async style web service clients. In this test, we will test the asynchronous and synchronous clients separately against the web service.
Workspace set-up, and launching the axis2 client wizard pointing to the wsdl.
At the configuration page, select generate sync only and generate the web service client. Here the stubs will be generated to match the case where it will be having support for synchronous clients.
Test the synchronous client against the web service by copying the file to the package with the other generated client files. Run the file as a Java application. StockQuoteServiceSyncClient
Repeat the test, but select generate async only and use the from the following zip: StockQuoteServiceAsyncClient
Reference :
Workspace set-up, and launching the axis2 client wizard pointing to the wsdl.
Select generate testcase option in configuration page and generate the web service client.
Replace the generated file with the one in this zip: CurrancyConverterJUnitTest
Run as a JUnit test.
Workspace set-up, and launching the axis2 client wizard pointing to the wsdl AreaServiceExtraTypes.wsdl.
In the client, select the "Generate all types for all elements referred by schemas" option. Click Finish.
Verify that the file is generated under the source folder.
Workspace set-up, and launching the axis2 client wizard pointing to the wsdl.
Edit namespace to package mappings to user preferences and generate the web service client.
Test the client against the web service by copying the file to the package with the other generated client files. Run the file as a Java application. StockQuoteServiceClient