wtp 1.5 adopter hot bug list
Web Tools 1.5 Adopter Hot Bug List

This document lists bugs that adopters have given a high priority for resolution in WTP 1.5.

Hot Bugs
Bugzilla Queries for Hot Bugs Only

Bugzilla Queries that Exclude Hot Bugs

Bugzilla Snapshot

The following table lists the all the hot bugs, sorted by id, and their status as of 2014-02-27 16:06:09 UTC :

Bug Adopter Contact Assigned To Status Resolution Priority Severity Target Description
89811 JBOSS Max Rydahl Andersen
95903 JBOSS Max Rydahl Andersen
104815 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
105510 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
106463 Exadel Igor Shabalov
108392 Exadel Igor Shabalov
112859 Exadel Igor Shabalov
113219 Exadel Igor Shabalov
114599 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
115762 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
118251 IBM Rajesh Daswani
118425 JBOSS Max Rydahl Andersen
118493 JBOSS Max Rydahl Andersen katep CLOSED DUPLICATE P2 enhancement 1.5 M6 [hotbug] global validation preferences should be valid for all projects
118853 IBM Steve Francisco
119576 Eteration Naci Dai
121153 IBM Bala Balakumaran
121583 Exadel Igor Shabalov
121746 IBM Kapil Katyal
121991 Exadel Igor Shabalov
123595 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
123596 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
123600 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
123959 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
124214 IBM Jim D'Anjou
125524 IBM Scott Peddle
125929 BEA Rob Frost
126325 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
126327 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
126329 Exadel Ilya Shaikovsky
126405 IBM Scott Peddle
127119 IBM Scott Peddle
128491 IBM Steve Francisco
129801 IBM Steve Francisco
136204 IBM Bala Balakumaran