Test Case Title Test Case Description
Server Explorer/Connection Wizard  
CONN_10_DELETE CONNECTION Test deleting a connection
CONN_11_RECONNECT TO A DB2 ALIAS Test reconnecting to a DB2 Alias connection
CONN_12_RECONNECT A JDBC CONN Test reconnecting to a JDBC connection
CONN_15_ CONN TO A FEDERATED DB Test creating and filtering a connection to a federated DB
CONN_16_ADD SCHEMA/TABLE/ROUTINE FILTERS Test adding Schema/Table/Routine Filters
CONN_17_ADD FOLDER FILTERS Test adding Virtual Folder Filters
CONN_18_MODIFY FILTERS Test modifying connection filters
CONN_19_REMOVE FILTER Test removing connection filters
CONN_20_DISCONNECT-RECONNECT Test disconnecting then reconnecting
CONN_23_CONNECT TO IBM CLOUDSCAPE Test creating a new connection to IBM Cloudscape - embedded driver
CONN_24_CREATE_OFFLINE_CONTENTS Test creating offline connection contents
CONN_25_RELAUNCH_WORK_OFFLINE Test relaunching Cascade and working offline
CONN_26_DISCONNECT_WORK_OFFLINE Test disconnecting a connection and then working offline
CONN_27_UPDATE_OFFLINE_CONTENTS Test updating offline connection contents
CONN_2_CONNECTION NAMING Test Connection Wizard - connection naming
CONN_30_LAUNCH_CONN_WIZARD Verify launch points for the connection wizard
CONN_31_RESOLVE_REFERENCES_WHEN_FILTERING Test resolving references when filtering
CONN_4_NEW CONN TO A DB2 UDB ALIAS Test creating a new connection to DB2 UDB DB using DB2 Alias
CONN_5_NEW CONN TO A DB2 ISERIES ALIAS Test creating a new connection to a DB2 iSeries db using DB2 Alias - toolbox driver to iSeries
CONN_6_NEW CONN TO DB2 FOR ZOS ALIAS Test creating a new connection to a DB2 for zOS DB using DB2 Aliases Connection
CONN_7_NEW JDBC CONN TO DB2 UDB Test creating a new connection to DB2 UDB using JDBC Driver
CONN_8_NEW JDBC CONN TO DB2 ISERIES Test creating a new connection to DB2 iSeries using AS/400 Toolbox for Java
CONN_9_NEW JDBC CONN TO DB2 FOR ZOS Test creating a new connection to DB2 for zOS using JDBC Driver
Browse Data  
BR001_TABLE_TESTDB Browse data from a Table
BR002_VIEW_TESTDB Browse data in a View
BR006_MQT_TESTDB Browse data from a Materialized Query Table
BR009_ALIAS_TESTDB Browse Data of an Alias
SQL Scrapbook  
SQL_QUERY_BUILDER_104 Verify SQL Scrapbook feature
Catalog Loading  
RE_001_LUW_DATATYPES Reverse Engineer table with all datatypes
RE_002_LUW_TABLESPACES_&_BUFFERPOOLS Reverse Engineer Concise db tablespace and bufferpools and verify properties
RE_003_LUW_PK/FK_&_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS Reverse Engineer PK/FK and Unique Constraints
RE_004_LUW_COMMENTS_CHKCONSTRAINTS Reverse Engineer comments and check constraints
RE_005_LUW_TRIGGERS Test reverse engineering off triggers
RE_006_LUW_IDENTITY_ROWID Test reverse engineering of columns defined as Generated Always, by default, as identity, rowid (aka identity)
RE_007_LUW_ALIAS_VIEWS_MQT Test reverse engineering of Aliases, Views and MQTs
RE_008_LUW_STORED_PROC Test reverse engineering of Stored procedures (all supported types)
RE_009_LUW_FUNCTIONS Test reverse engineering of functions
RE_010_LUW_SEQUENCES Test reverse engineering of sequences
RE_011_LUW_NICKNAMES Test reverse engineering of Nicknames
RE_012_LUW_DISTINCT_TYPE Test reverse engineering of columns that reference distinct types
RE_013_LUW_PARTITIONING_KEY Test reverse engineering of tablespace and table with partitioning key
RE_014_LUW_STRUCTURED_TYPE Test reverse engineering of structured types
RE_301_ZOS_DATATYPES Reverse Engineer zOS table with all datatypes
RE_302_ZOS_TABLESPACES Test reverse engineering of tablespaces and bufferpools in DB2 for zOS
RE_303_ZOS_PK/FK_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS Reverse Engineer zOS tables with PK/FK and Unique Constraints
RE_304_ZOS_COMMENTS_CHKCONSTRAINTS Reverse Engineer zOS DB comments and check constraints
RE_305_ZOS_TRIGGERS Test reverse engineering of DB2 for zOS triggers
RE_306_ZOS_IDENTITY_ROWID Test reverse engineering of zOS columns defined as Generated Always, by default, as identity, rowid (aka identity)
RE_307_ZOS_ALIAS_VIEWS_MQT Test reverse engineering of DB2 for zOS Aliases, Views, Synonyms and MQTs
RE_308_ZOS_STORED_PROC Test reverse engineering of DB2 for zOS Stored procedures (all supported types)
RE_309_ZOS_FUNCTIONS Test reverse engineering of DB2 for zOS user defined functions
RE_310_ZOS_SEQUENCES Test reverse engineering of DB2 for zOS Stored procedures (all supported types)
RE_312_ZOS_DISTINCT_TYPE Test reverse engineering of columns that reference distinct types
RE_313_ZOS_PARTITIONING_KEY Test reverse engineering of tablespace and table with partitioning key
RE_401_AS400_DATATYPES Reverse Engineer table with all datatypes
RE_403_AS400_PK/FK_&_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS Reverse Engineer PK/FK and Unique Constraints
RE_404_AS400_COMMENTS_CHKCONSTRAINTS Reverse Engineer comments and check constraints
RE_405_AS400_TRIGGERS Test reverse engineering off triggers
RE_406_AS400_IDENTITY_ROWID RE of columns defined as Generated Always, by default, as identity, rowid (aka identity)
RE_407_AS400_ALIAS_VIEWS_MQT Test RE of Aliases, Views and MQTs
RE_408_AS400_STORED_PROC Test RE of Stored procedures (all supported types)
RE_409_AS400_FUNCTIONS Test RE of functions
RE_415_AS400_TABLE_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE Reverse Engineer table with DEFAULT VALUE