server component the wst.server component |
Overview | |
The server component contains the Server Tools framework and adapters for selected servers. At the WST level, the server component is a very generic infrastructure. (The J2EE specific server component is in JST). | |
Development Resources | |
API Overview | |
Milestone plan | |
Test plan | |
List of Known Servers Adopters | |
Information on the Run on Server menu item | |
Migration information | |
Presentation from EclipseCon 2005: Extending Server Tools for your server | |
Presentation from Open House: Server Tools Open House | |
Plug-ins | |
The following plugins are contained in this component: | |
org.eclipse.wst.server.core | |
This plugin contains the server tools framework and implementation. API packages: | |
org.eclipse.wst.server.core | |
org.eclipse.wst.server.ui | |
This plugin contains the server tools UI support, including the Servers view. API packages: | |
org.eclipse.wst.server.util | |
Server utility plugin. Contains no API. |