Babel project development
Here are resources available if you want to get involved:
The Babel team
Contributing translations
The easiest way to get involved with Babel is to help translate Eclipse projects.
- Web-based translation tool: all you need is an Eclipse Account and a few minutes to start translating.
- Large translation contributions: if you want to submit a large translation to Babel, please follow these guidelines.
Contributing Code
Babel developers use the following resources:
Web-based server translation tool
The translation tool is a LAMP application, so anyone with PHP and MySQL knowledge can contribute code. To help out:
- Set up a Babel development environment and read our development process.
- Work on the Babel Server Bugs and Enhancements or open new ones. Submit your code patches to the bugs as attachments.
Use the developer mailing lists (above) to discuss development issues. If you submit quality patches consistently, the Babel developers may nominate you as a committer.
Messages editor
- Messages Editor documentation
Guidelines for Release Reviews