HTTP status codes

You can use standard HTTP status codes to understand the success or failure of a request.

HTTP status codes and explanations

HTTP 200: OK
The request has succeeded completely. A response body is provided that contains the results of the request.
HTTP 202: Accepted
The request has been accepted for processing, but processing is not complete.
HTTP 400®: Bad Request
The request was missing required input, had errors in the provided input, or included extraneous input. Additional information regarding the error is provided in an error response body that includes a reason code with additional information.
HTTP 403: Forbidden
The request is valid, but the server is not responding to the request.
HTTP 404: Not found
The requested resource cannot be found or does not exist.
HTTP 501: Not implemented
The request method is not recognized by the server, or the server is not able to complete the request.
HTTP 503: Service unavailable
The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.