Supported protocols

Protocols that are supported by Eclipse Amlen.

Eclipse Amlen supports client applications by using the following protocols:
  • MQTT version 3 to version 5 over TCP/IP
    • MQTT C client
    • MQTT client for Javaâ„¢
    • MQTT client for Android
    • MQTT client for iOS

    MQTT is a lightweight network protocol that is used for publish/subscribe messaging between devices. MQTT is ideal for use in constrained environments or low-bandwidth networks with limited processing capabilities, small memory capacities, and high latency.

  • MQTT version 3 to version 5 over WebSockets
    • MQTT client for JavaScriptâ„¢

    A WebSocket is similar to a TCP socket. The key difference is that a WebSocket provides MQTT support for web applications that run in a web browser. For more information about Websockets, see Websockets.

  • JMS
    • Eclipse Amlen JMS client
    • Eclipse Amlen JMS resource adapter

    You might want to use JMS if you want the ability to develop and use Java EE applications. Additionally, you might want to use JMS if you have personnel with this skill, or if you want to use message browsing and message selection.

  • Custom protocol

    You can use protocol plug-ins to add industry-specific messaging protocols to Eclipse Amlen in a controlled way that does not compromise the security of the server environment. The protocol plug-in can also support legacy sensors that are not able to change to MQTT. You can write your own protocol plug-ins to use withEclipse Amlen by using the Eclipse Amlen protocol plug-in SDK.

For more information about converting messages between MQTT and JMS, see Conversion between MQTT and JMS.

For more information about the protocol plug-in, see Configuring protocol plug-ins.

Eclipse Amlen supports SSL and TLS protocol connections from the listed MQTT and JMS clients. For more information about supported versions of SSL and TLS, see Certificate and security profiles.