Platform must-gather

Eclipse Amlen version 5.0 includes a script that collects must-gather data, in both Docker and non-Docker environments. The same script is used for the messaging server and for the Web UI. System administrators can use the script to collect the must-gather diagnostic data that is required for reporting a problem to IBM® support.

To collect must-gather data for Eclipse Amlen running in a Docker container, the script must be copied from the container onto the host system by using the following docker cp command:

docker cp IMA:/opt/ibm/imaserver/bin/

where IMA is the Docker container name.

The script must be executed with the same privileges as other docker commands, for example as superuser or by using sudo.

For a Docker environment, the script exports the container into a file and includes the file in must-gather by default. If you do not want this configuration, you can set the -e option to false. If the -e option is set to false, the script creates a temporary image of the container and runs it to collect the necessary data. Both the temporary container and the images are automatically removed after the data is collected.

Run the must-gather script with the following options:
Note: -d and -e options do not apply if Eclipse Amlen is running directly on the host.   [ -d containerId  [ -e {true|false} ] ]                                  
                              [ -a additional_directories ] [ -w working_dir ] [ -o output_file ]
Specifies the name of the Docker container or the container ID.
Specifies additional directories to include in the compressed must-gather file - for example directories with log files.
Specifies the directory on the host to use for temporary files. Temporary files can include the exported container, so ensure that the partition has enough free space.
The default is the current directory.
Specifies the output file name. If not specified, ./messagesight-must-gather-"timestamp".tar.gz is created.
Note: You can find additional help by using the /path/ --help command.
Table 1. Must-gather information in a docker environment
Output Additional information
host_data-timestamp.txt System information about the host.
dmesg.txt System log (demesg output)
dmidecode.txt Hardware information (dmidecode output)
docker_mustgather.txt System information about the docker container
/etc and /var/log Directories on the host
messagesight-container-timestamp.tar.gz Exported container (if allowed)
container_mustgather.tar.gz Additional must-gather information collected inside the container var/messagesight/diag/cores. Includes files with environment variables, compressed binaries and libraries (messaging server) or Liberty dumps and Liberty configuration (Web UI), compressed /etc and /var/log directories inside the container.
Table 2. Must-gather information in a non docker environment
Output Additional information
host_data-timestamp.txt General system information about the host.
dmesg.txt System log (demesg output)
dmidecode.txt Hardware information (dmidecode output)
software_mustgather.txt System information about the installation
/etc and /var/log Directories on the host
messagesight-container-timestamp.tar.gz Exported container (if allowed)
container_mustgather.tar.gz Additional must-gather information. Includes files with environment variables, compressed binaries and libraries (messaging server) or Liberty dumps and Liberty configuration (Web UI). Liberty configuration and logs are under opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/.

In all cases, if perf utility is available, a perf report is included in the *_mustgather.tar.gz file as * If iostat utility is available, the output from iostat 1 5 is included in software_mustgather.txt or docker_mustgather.txt.