Planning to upgrade to Eclipse Amlen version 1.0 from IBM IoT MessageSight version 1.2

System administrators can select one of two methods to upgrade IBM® IoT MessageSight version 1.2 to Eclipse Amlen version 1.0. Compare the two methods and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

You can choose to upgrade by migrating the version 1.2 server configuration only, or both the version 1.2 server configuration and store. If you do not need to migrate the store, it is best practice to migrate the server configuration only. Migrating only the server configuration is simpler, easier to verify, test, and practice than upgrading both the server configuration and store.

If you migrate the server configuration only, configuration items from the server such as endpoints, messaging policies, connection policies, LDAP configuration objects, and any configuration objects that are configured by using commands by an administrator are included in the upgrade process. The store is not migrated.

The store contains buffered messages, retained messages, subscriptions, and topics. It contains all persistent messages and objects that have been dynamically created by clients. Upgrade the store if you need to preserve the contents of the store.

It is best practice to test the upgrade process on a test server before you run the upgrade process in a production environment. A test of the upgrade process is particularly important if you are upgrading the store. For more information about testing the upgrade process before you run it in a production environment, see Upgrading to Eclipse Amlen version 1.0: taking a backup of the IBM IoT MessageSight version 1.2 configuration and store.