Interface DeclareAnnotation

public interface DeclareAnnotation

The AspectJ runtime representation of a declare annotation member in an aspect.

Nested Class Summary
static class DeclareAnnotation.Kind
Method Summary
 java.lang.annotation.Annotation getAnnotation()
          The declared annotation.
 java.lang.String getAnnotationAsText()
          Returns the text of the annotation as declared in this member.
 AjType<?> getDeclaringType()
          The aspect that declared this member.
 DeclareAnnotation.Kind getKind()
          The target element kind
 SignaturePattern getSignaturePattern()
          The target signature pattern.
 TypePattern getTypePattern()
          The target type pattern.

Method Detail


AjType<?> getDeclaringType()
The aspect that declared this member.


DeclareAnnotation.Kind getKind()
The target element kind


SignaturePattern getSignaturePattern()
The target signature pattern. Returns null if getKind() == Type


TypePattern getTypePattern()
The target type pattern. Returns null if getKind() != Type


java.lang.annotation.Annotation getAnnotation()
The declared annotation. If the declared annotation does not have runtime retention, this method returns null.


java.lang.String getAnnotationAsText()
Returns the text of the annotation as declared in this member. Available for both runtime and class-file retention annotations