, Iterable<Integer>
, Collection<Integer>
, List<Integer>
, RandomAccess
, InternalIterable<Integer>
, LazyIterable<Integer>
, RichIterable<Integer>
public final class Interval extends AbstractLazyIterable<Integer> implements List<Integer>, Serializable, RandomAccess
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
void |
add(int index,
Integer element) |
boolean |
add(Integer integer) |
boolean |
addAll(int index,
Collection<? extends Integer> collection) |
boolean |
addAll(Collection<? extends Integer> collection) |
<R extends Collection<Integer>> |
addAllTo(R targetCollection) |
Interval |
by(int newStep) |
This instance
by method allows Interval to act as a fluent builder for itself. |
void |
clear() |
<T,R extends Collection<T>> |
collect(Function<? super Integer,? extends T> function,
R target) |
Same as
RichIterable.collect(Function) , except that the results are gathered into the specified target
collection. |
boolean |
contains(int value) |
Returns true if the Interval contains the specified int value.
boolean |
contains(Object object) |
Returns true if the iterable has an element which responds true to element.equals(object).
boolean |
containsAll(int... values) |
Returns true if the Interval contains all of the specified int values.
boolean |
containsNone(int... values) |
Returns true if the Interval contains none of the specified int values.
LazyIterable<Integer> |
distinct() |
Creates a deferred distinct iterable to get distinct elements from the current iterable.
LazyIterable<Integer> |
drop(int count) |
Creates a deferred drop iterable for the current iterable using the specified count as the limit.
void |
each(Procedure<? super Integer> procedure) |
The procedure is executed for each element in the iterable.
boolean |
equals(Object otherList) |
static Interval |
evensFromTo(int from,
int to) |
Returns an Interval representing the even values from the value from to the value to.
Number |
factorial() |
Returns the Number result of calculating factorial for the range.
void |
forEach(IntProcedure procedure) |
void |
forEach(Procedure<? super Integer> procedure,
int startIndex,
int endIndex) |
void |
forEach(Procedure<? super Integer> procedure,
Executor executor) |
This method executes a void procedure against an executor, passing the current index of the
<P> void |
forEachWith(IntObjectProcedure<? super P> procedure,
P parameter) |
<P> void |
forEachWith(Procedure2<? super Integer,? super P> procedure,
P parameter) |
The procedure2 is evaluated for each element in the iterable with the specified parameter provided
as the second argument.
void |
forEachWithIndex(IntIntProcedure procedure) |
void |
forEachWithIndex(ObjectIntProcedure<? super Integer> objectIntProcedure) |
Iterates over the iterable passing each element and the current relative int index to the specified instance of
void |
forEachWithIndex(ObjectIntProcedure<? super Integer> objectIntProcedure,
int startIndex,
int endIndex) |
static Interval |
from(int newFrom) |
This static
from method allows Interval to act as a fluent builder for itself. |
static Interval |
fromTo(int from,
int to) |
Returns an Interval starting from the value from to the specified value to with a step value of 1.
static Interval |
fromToBy(int from,
int to,
int stepBy) |
Returns an Interval for the range of integers inclusively between from and to with the specified
stepBy value.
Integer |
get(int index) |
Integer |
getFirst() |
Returns the first element of an iterable.
Integer |
getLast() |
Returns the last element of an iterable.
boolean |
goForward() |
int |
hashCode() |
int |
indexOf(Object object) |
double |
injectInto(double injectedValue,
DoubleObjectToDoubleFunction<? super Integer> function) |
Returns the final double result of evaluating function using each element of the iterable and the previous evaluation
result as the parameters.
int |
injectInto(int injectedValue,
IntObjectToIntFunction<? super Integer> function) |
Returns the final int result of evaluating function using each element of the iterable and the previous evaluation
result as the parameters.
long |
injectInto(long injectedValue,
LongObjectToLongFunction<? super Integer> function) |
Returns the final long result of evaluating function using each element of the iterable and the previous evaluation
result as the parameters.
<R> R |
injectInto(R injectValue,
Function2<? super R,? super Integer,? extends R> function) |
Returns the final result of evaluating function using each element of the iterable and the previous evaluation
result as the parameters.
Iterator<Integer> |
iterator() |
int |
lastIndexOf(Object object) |
ListIterator<Integer> |
listIterator() |
ListIterator<Integer> |
listIterator(int index) |
static Interval |
oddsFromTo(int from,
int to) |
Returns an Interval representing the odd values from the value from to the value to.
static Interval |
oneTo(int count) |
Returns an Interval starting from 1 to the specified count value with a step value of 1.
static Interval |
oneToBy(int count,
int step) |
Returns an Interval starting from 1 to the specified count value with a step value of step.
Number |
product() |
Returns the Number result of calculating product for the range.
<R extends Collection<Integer>> |
reject(Predicate<? super Integer> predicate,
R target) |
Same as the reject method with one parameter but uses the specified target collection for the results.
Integer |
remove(int index) |
boolean |
remove(Object o) |
boolean |
removeAll(Collection<?> collection) |
boolean |
retainAll(Collection<?> collection) |
void |
reverseForEach(Procedure<? super Integer> procedure) |
<R> R |
reverseInjectInto(R injectValue,
Function2<? super R,Integer,? extends R> function) |
Interval |
reverseThis() |
Returns a new interval with the from and to values reversed and the step value negated.
void |
run(Runnable runnable) |
This method runs a runnable a specified number of times against on the current thread.
void |
run(Runnable runnable,
Executor executor) |
This method runs a runnable a specified number of times against an executor.
<R extends Collection<Integer>> |
select(Predicate<? super Integer> predicate,
R target) |
Same as the select method with one parameter but uses the specified target collection for the results.
Integer |
set(int index,
Integer element) |
int |
size() |
Calculates and returns the size of the interval.
Interval |
subList(int fromIndex,
int toIndex) |
LazyIterable<Integer> |
take(int count) |
Creates a deferred take iterable for the current iterable using the specified count as the limit.
Interval |
to(int newTo) |
This instance
to method allows Interval to act as a fluent builder for itself. |
Integer[] |
toArray() |
Converts this iterable to an array.
static Integer[] |
toArray(int from,
int to) |
Returns an Integer array with the values inclusively between from and to.
MutableBag<Integer> |
toBag() |
Converts the collection to the default MutableBag implementation.
int[] |
toIntArray() |
Converts the interval to an Integer array
MutableList<Integer> |
toList() |
Converts the collection to a MutableList implementation.
static Integer[] |
toReverseArray(int from,
int to) |
static MutableList<Integer> |
toReverseList(int from,
int to) |
Returns a MutableList representing the Integer values from the value from to the value to in reverse.
MutableSet<Integer> |
toSet() |
Converts the collection to a MutableSet implementation.
static MutableSet<Integer> |
toSet(int from,
int to) |
Returns an Set representing the Integer values from the value from to the value to.
String |
toString() |
Returns a string with the elements of the iterable separated by commas with spaces and
enclosed in square brackets.
static Interval |
zero() |
Returns an Interval starting at zero.
static Interval |
zeroTo(int count) |
Returns an Interval starting from 0 to the specified count value with a step value of 1.
static Interval |
zeroToBy(int count,
int step) |
Returns an Interval starting from 0 to the specified count value with a step value of step.
aggregateBy, aggregateInPlaceBy, asLazy, chunk, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, concatenate, dropWhile, flatCollect, getOnly, groupBy, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, into, isEmpty, maxByOptional, maxOptional, maxOptional, minByOptional, minOptional, minOptional, partition, partitionWith, reject, rejectWith, select, selectInstancesOf, selectWith, sumByDouble, sumByFloat, sumByInt, sumByLong, takeWhile, tap, toArray, toStack, zip, zipWithIndex
allSatisfy, allSatisfyWith, anySatisfy, anySatisfyWith, appendString, appendString, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, count, countByEach, countWith, detect, detectOptional, detectWith, detectWithIfNone, detectWithOptional, flatCollect, forEach, groupBy, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, injectInto, max, max, maxBy, min, min, minBy, noneSatisfy, noneSatisfyWith, rejectWith, selectWith, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toBiMap, toMap, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedBagBy, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMapBy, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toSortedSetBy, zip, zipWithIndex
parallelStream, removeIf, stream
containsAll, isEmpty, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, replaceAll, sort, spliterator, toArray
allSatisfy, allSatisfyWith, anySatisfy, anySatisfyWith, appendString, appendString, appendString, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, count, countBy, countBy, countByEach, countByEach, countByWith, countByWith, countWith, detect, detectIfNone, detectOptional, detectWith, detectWithIfNone, detectWithOptional, flatCollect, flatCollectWith, forEach, getAny, groupBy, groupByAndCollect, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, injectInto, makeString, makeString, makeString, max, max, maxBy, min, min, minBy, noneSatisfy, noneSatisfyWith, notEmpty, reduce, reduceInPlace, reduceInPlace, rejectWith, selectWith, summarizeDouble, summarizeFloat, summarizeInt, summarizeLong, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toBiMap, toMap, toMap, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedBagBy, toSortedList, toSortedList, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMapBy, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toSortedSetBy, zip, zipWithIndex
public static Interval from(int newFrom)
method allows Interval to act as a fluent builder for itself.
It works in conjunction with the instance methods to(int)
and by(int)
Usage Example:
Interval interval1 = Interval.from(1).to(5); // results in: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Interval interval2 = Interval.from(1).to(10).by(2); // results in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
public Interval to(int newTo)
method allows Interval to act as a fluent builder for itself.
It works in conjunction with the static method from(int)
and instance method by(int)
Usage Example:
Interval interval1 = Interval.from(1).to(5); // results in: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Interval interval2 = Interval.from(1).to(10).by(2); // results in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
public Interval by(int newStep)
method allows Interval to act as a fluent builder for itself.
It works in conjunction with the static method from(int)
and instance method to(int)
Usage Example:
Interval interval1 = Interval.from(1).to(5); // results in: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Interval interval2 = Interval.from(1).to(10).by(2); // results in: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
public static Interval zero()
Usage Example:
Interval interval1 =; // results in: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Interval interval2 =; // results in: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
public static Interval oneTo(int count)
public static Interval oneToBy(int count, int step)
public static Interval zeroTo(int count)
public static Interval zeroToBy(int count, int step)
public static Interval fromTo(int from, int to)
public static Interval evensFromTo(int from, int to)
public static Interval oddsFromTo(int from, int to)
public static MutableSet<Integer> toSet(int from, int to)
public static MutableList<Integer> toReverseList(int from, int to)
public static Integer[] toArray(int from, int to)
public static Integer[] toReverseArray(int from, int to)
public static Interval fromToBy(int from, int to, int stepBy)
public boolean containsAll(int... values)
public boolean containsNone(int... values)
public boolean contains(Object object)
in interface Collection<Integer>
in interface List<Integer>
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public boolean contains(int value)
public Number factorial()
public Number product()
public void forEachWithIndex(IntIntProcedure procedure)
public void forEachWithIndex(ObjectIntProcedure<? super Integer> objectIntProcedure)
Example using a Java 8 lambda:
people.forEachWithIndex((Person person, int index) ->"Index: " + index + " person: " + person.getName()));
Example using an anonymous inner class:
people.forEachWithIndex(new ObjectIntProcedure<Person>() { public void value(Person person, int index) {"Index: " + index + " person: " + person.getName()); } });
in interface InternalIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public <P> void forEachWith(IntObjectProcedure<? super P> procedure, P parameter)
public boolean goForward()
public <P> void forEachWith(Procedure2<? super Integer,? super P> procedure, P parameter)
Example using a Java 8 lambda:
people.forEachWith((Person person, Person other) -> { if (person.isRelatedTo(other)) {; } }, fred);
Example using an anonymous inner class:
people.forEachWith(new Procedure2<Person, Person>() { public void value(Person person, Person other) { if (person.isRelatedTo(other)) {; } } }, fred);
in interface InternalIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public void forEach(IntProcedure procedure)
public void each(Procedure<? super Integer> procedure)
Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
people.each(person ->;
Example using an anonymous inner class:
people.each(new Procedure<Person>() { public void value(Person person) {; } });This method is a variant of
that has a signature conflict with Iterable.forEach(java.util.function.Consumer)
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
public void forEach(Procedure<? super Integer> procedure, Executor executor)
public void run(Runnable runnable)
public void run(Runnable runnable, Executor executor)
public <R> R injectInto(R injectValue, Function2<? super R,? super Integer,? extends R> function)
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public int injectInto(int injectedValue, IntObjectToIntFunction<? super Integer> function)
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public long injectInto(long injectedValue, LongObjectToLongFunction<? super Integer> function)
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public double injectInto(double injectedValue, DoubleObjectToDoubleFunction<? super Integer> function)
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public <R> R reverseInjectInto(R injectValue, Function2<? super R,Integer,? extends R> function)
public <R extends Collection<Integer>> R addAllTo(R targetCollection)
public <T,R extends Collection<T>> R collect(Function<? super Integer,? extends T> function, R target)
, except that the results are gathered into the specified target
Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
MutableList<String> names = people.collect(person -> person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName(), Lists.mutable.empty());
Example using an anonymous inner class:
MutableList<String> names = people.collect(new Function<Person, String>() { public String valueOf(Person person) { return person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName(); } }, Lists.mutable.empty());
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
- a Function
to use as the collect transformation functiontarget
- the Collection to append to for all elements in this RichIterable
that meet select criteria function
, which contains appended elements as a result of the collect transformationRichIterable.collect(Function)
public <R extends Collection<Integer>> R select(Predicate<? super Integer> predicate, R target)
Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
MutableList<Person> selected = -> person.person.getLastName().equals("Smith"), Lists.mutable.empty());
Example using an anonymous inner class:
MutableList<Person> selected = Predicate<Person>() { public boolean accept(Person person) { return person.person.getLastName().equals("Smith"); } }, Lists.mutable.empty());
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
- a Predicate
to use as the select criteriatarget
- the Collection to append to for all elements in this RichIterable
that meet select criteria predicate
, which contains appended elements as a result of the select
public <R extends Collection<Integer>> R reject(Predicate<? super Integer> predicate, R target)
Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
MutableList<Person> rejected = people.reject(person -> person.person.getLastName().equals("Smith"), Lists.mutable.empty());
Example using an anonymous inner class:
MutableList<Person> rejected = people.reject(new Predicate<Person>() { public boolean accept(Person person) { return person.person.getLastName().equals("Smith"); } }, Lists.mutable.empty());
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
- a Predicate
to use as the reject criteriatarget
- the Collection to append to for all elements in this RichIterable
that cause Predicate#accept(Object)
method to evaluate to falsetarget
, which contains appended elements as a result of the reject criteriapublic boolean equals(Object otherList)
public int hashCode()
public Interval reverseThis()
public int size()
in interface Collection<Integer>
in interface List<Integer>
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractLazyIterable<Integer>
public Integer[] toArray()
in interface Collection<Integer>
in interface List<Integer>
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public int[] toIntArray()
public String toString()
Assert.assertEquals("[]", Lists.mutable.empty().toString()); Assert.assertEquals("[1]", Lists.mutable.with(1).toString()); Assert.assertEquals("[1, 2, 3]", Lists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).toString());
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public Integer getFirst()
The order of Sets are not guaranteed (except for TreeSets and other Ordered Set implementations), so if you use this method, the first element could be any element from the Set.
in interface LazyIterable<Integer>
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractLazyIterable<Integer>
public Integer getLast()
The order of Sets are not guaranteed (except for TreeSets and other Ordered Set implementations), so if you use this method, the last element could be any element from the Set.
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractLazyIterable<Integer>
public void forEachWithIndex(ObjectIntProcedure<? super Integer> objectIntProcedure, int startIndex, int endIndex)
public int lastIndexOf(Object object)
in interface List<Integer>
public MutableList<Integer> toList()
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public MutableSet<Integer> toSet()
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public MutableBag<Integer> toBag()
in interface RichIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractRichIterable<Integer>
public boolean add(Integer integer)
public boolean remove(Object o)
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Integer> collection)
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Integer> collection)
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection)
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> collection)
public void clear()
public ListIterator<Integer> listIterator()
in interface List<Integer>
public ListIterator<Integer> listIterator(int index)
in interface List<Integer>
public Interval subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
public LazyIterable<Integer> take(int count)
in interface LazyIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractLazyIterable<Integer>
public LazyIterable<Integer> drop(int count)
in interface LazyIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractLazyIterable<Integer>
public LazyIterable<Integer> distinct()
in interface LazyIterable<Integer>
in class AbstractLazyIterable<Integer>
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