Class AbstractMutableBagIterable<T>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public abstract class AbstractMutableBagIterable<T> extends AbstractBag<T> implements MutableBagIterable<T>
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description AbstractMutableBagIterable()
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
addAll(Collection<? extends T> source)
addAllIterable(Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
<K, V> MutableMap<K,V>
aggregateInPlaceBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> groupBy, Function0<? extends V> zeroValueFactory, Procedure2<? super V,? super T> mutatingAggregator)
Applies an aggregate procedure over the iterable grouping results into a Map based on the specific groupBy function.boolean
allSatisfy(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for every element of the iterable or if the iterable is empty.<P> boolean
allSatisfyWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for every element of the collection, or returns false.boolean
anySatisfy(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for any element of the iterable.<P> boolean
anySatisfyWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for any element of the collection, or return false.MutableList<ObjectIntPair<T>>
bottomOccurrences(int n)
Returns thecount
least frequently occurring items.RichIterable<RichIterable<T>>
chunk(int size)
Partitions elements in fixed size chunks.<V> MutableBag<V>
countBy(Function<? super T,? extends V> function)
This method will count the number of occurrences of each value calculated by applying the function to each element of the collection.<V> MutableBag<V>
countByEach(Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<V>> function)
This method will count the number of occurrences of each value calculated by applying the function to each element of the collection.<V, P> MutableBag<V>
countByWith(Function2<? super T,? super P,? extends V> function, P parameter)
This method will count the number of occurrences of each value calculated by applying the function to each element of the collection with the specified parameter as the second argument.T
detect(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Returns the first element of the iterable for which the predicate evaluates to true or null in the case where no element returns true.T
detectIfNone(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Function0<? extends T> function)
Returns the first element of the iterable for which the predicate evaluates to true.Optional<T>
detectOptional(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Returns the first element of the iterable for which the predicate evaluates to true as an Optional.<P> T
detectWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)
Returns the first element that evaluates to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter, or null if none evaluate to true.<P> T
detectWithIfNone(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter, Function0<? extends T> function)
Returns the first element of the iterable that evaluates to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter, or returns the value of evaluating the specified function.<P> Optional<T>
detectWithOptional(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)
Returns the first element that evaluates to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter as an Optional.T
Returns the first element of an iterable.T
Returns the last element of an iterable.<V> MutableMap<V,T>
groupByUniqueKey(Function<? super T,? extends V> function)
For each element of the iterable, the function is evaluated and he results of these evaluations are collected into a new map, where the transformed value is the key.T
Returns the maximum element out of this container based on the natural order.T
max(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
Returns the maximum element out of this container based on the comparator.<V extends Comparable<? super V>>
TmaxBy(Function<? super T,? extends V> function)
Returns the maximum elements out of this container based on the natural order of the attribute returned by Function.T
Returns the minimum element out of this container based on the natural order.T
min(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
Returns the minimum element out of this container based on the comparator.<V extends Comparable<? super V>>
TminBy(Function<? super T,? extends V> function)
Returns the minimum elements out of this container based on the natural order of the attribute returned by Function.boolean
noneSatisfy(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to false for every element of the iterable or if the iterable is empty.<P> boolean
noneSatisfyWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to false for every element of the collection, or return false.boolean
removeAll(Collection<?> collection)
retainAll(Collection<?> collection)
retainAllIterable(Iterable<?> iterable)
<P> Twin<MutableList<T>>
selectAndRejectWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)
Filters a collection into two separate collections based on a predicate returned via a Pair.<V> MutableObjectDoubleMap<V>
sumByDouble(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, DoubleFunction<? super T> function)
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.<V> MutableObjectDoubleMap<V>
sumByFloat(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, FloatFunction<? super T> function)
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.<V> MutableObjectLongMap<V>
sumByInt(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, IntFunction<? super T> function)
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.<V> MutableObjectLongMap<V>
sumByLong(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, LongFunction<? super T> function)
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.MutableList<ObjectIntPair<T>>
topOccurrences(int n)
Returns thecount
most frequently occurring items.Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.AbstractBag
collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, count, flatCollect, flatCollectBoolean, flatCollectByte, flatCollectChar, flatCollectDouble, flatCollectFloat, flatCollectInt, flatCollectLong, flatCollectShort, groupBy, groupByEach, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectIntoWith, reject, rejectWith, select, selectWith, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toBag, toList, toSet, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedList, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toStringOfItemToCount
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.collections.impl.AbstractRichIterable
appendString, appendString, asLazy, contains, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, countWith, forEach, forEachWith, forEachWithIndex, groupByUniqueKey, into, isEmpty, toArray, toArray, toBiMap, toMap, toSortedBagBy, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMapBy, toSortedSetBy, toString, zip, zipWithIndex
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.Bag
aggregateBy, collectWithOccurrences, equals, forEachWithOccurrences, hashCode, occurrencesOf, reduceInPlace, reduceInPlace, sizeDistinct, summarizeDouble, summarizeFloat, summarizeInt, summarizeLong, toImmutable, toStringOfItemToCount
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
add, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, parallelStream, remove, removeIf, size, spliterator, stream, toArray, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.collections.api.InternalIterable
forEach, forEachWith, forEachWithIndex
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.MutableBagIterable
addOccurrences, collectWithOccurrences, groupBy, groupByEach, partition, partitionWith, reject, rejectWith, removeOccurrences, select, selectByOccurrences, selectDuplicates, selectInstancesOf, selectUnique, selectWith, setOccurrences, tap, toMapOfItemToCount, with, withAll, without, withoutAll, zipWithIndex
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.MutableCollection
aggregateBy, asSynchronized, asUnmodifiable, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, flatCollect, flatCollectWith, injectIntoWith, newEmpty, removeAllIterable, removeIf, removeIfWith, toImmutable, zip
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable
appendString, appendString, appendString, asLazy, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, contains, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, containsBy, count, countBy, countByEach, countByWith, countWith, each, flatCollect, flatCollectBoolean, flatCollectByte, flatCollectChar, flatCollectDouble, flatCollectFloat, flatCollectInt, flatCollectLong, flatCollectShort, flatCollectWith, forEach, getAny, getOnly, groupBy, groupByAndCollect, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, into, isEmpty, makeString, makeString, makeString, maxByOptional, maxOptional, maxOptional, minByOptional, minOptional, minOptional, notEmpty, reduce, reject, rejectWith, select, selectWith, size, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toArray, toArray, toBag, toBiMap, toList, toMap, toMap, toSet, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedBagBy, toSortedList, toSortedList, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMapBy, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toSortedSetBy, toString, zip, zipWithIndex
Constructor Details
public AbstractMutableBagIterable()
Method Details
- Specified by:
in interfaceCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- See Also:
- Specified by:
in interfaceCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- See Also:
public <P> Twin<MutableList<T>> selectAndRejectWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter)Description copied from interface:MutableCollection
Filters a collection into two separate collections based on a predicate returned via a Pair.e.g. return lastNames.selectAndRejectWith(Predicates2.lessThan(), "Mason");
- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element of an iterable. In the case of a List it is the element at the first index. In the case of any other Collection, it is the first element that would be returned during an iteration. If the iterable is empty, null is returned. If null is a valid element of the container, then a developer would need to check to see if the iterable is empty to validate that a null result was not due to the container being empty.The order of Sets are not guaranteed (except for TreeSets and other Ordered Set implementations), so if you use this method, the first element could be any element from the Set.
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the last element of an iterable. In the case of a List it is the element at the last index. In the case of any other Collection, it is the last element that would be returned during an iteration. If the iterable is empty, null is returned. If null is a valid element of the container, then a developer would need to check to see if the iterable is empty to validate that a null result was not due to the container being empty.The order of Sets are not guaranteed (except for TreeSets and other Ordered Set implementations), so if you use this method, the last element could be any element from the Set.
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
For each element of the iterable, the function is evaluated and he results of these evaluations are collected into a new map, where the transformed value is the key. The generated keys must each be unique, or else an exception is thrown.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Partitions elements in fixed size chunks.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Parameters:
- the number of elements per chunk- Returns:
- A
s of sizesize
, except the last will be truncated if the elements don't divide evenly.
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element of the iterable for which the predicate evaluates to true or null in the case where no element returns true. This method is commonly called find.Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
Person person = people.detect(person -> person.getFirstName().equals("John") && person.getLastName().equals("Smith"));
Example using an anonymous inner class:
Person person = people.detect(new Predicate<Person>() { public boolean accept(Person person) { return person.getFirstName().equals("John") && person.getLastName().equals("Smith"); } });
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element that evaluates to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter, or null if none evaluate to true.Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
Person person = people.detectWith((person, fullName) -> person.getFullName().equals(fullName), "John Smith");
Example using an anonymous inner class:
Person person = people.detectWith(new Predicate2<Person, String>() { public boolean accept(Person person, String fullName) { return person.getFullName().equals(fullName); } }, "John Smith");
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element of the iterable for which the predicate evaluates to true as an Optional. This method is commonly called find.Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
Person person = people.detectOptional(person -> person.getFirstName().equals("John") && person.getLastName().equals("Smith"));
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element that evaluates to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter as an Optional.Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
Optional<Person> person = people.detectWithOptional((person, fullName) -> person.getFullName().equals(fullName), "John Smith");
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element of the iterable for which the predicate evaluates to true. If no element matches the predicate, then returns the value of applying the specified function.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
public <P> T detectWithIfNone(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate, P parameter, Function0<? extends T> function)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the first element of the iterable that evaluates to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter, or returns the value of evaluating the specified function.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for any element of the iterable. Returns false if the iterable is empty, or if no element returned true when evaluating the predicate.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for any element of the collection, or return false. Returns false if the collection is empty.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for every element of the iterable or if the iterable is empty. Otherwise, returns false.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for every element of the collection, or returns false.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to false for every element of the iterable or if the iterable is empty. Otherwise, returns false.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns true if the predicate evaluates to false for every element of the collection, or return false. Returns true if the collection is empty.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
This method will count the number of occurrences of each value calculated by applying the function to each element of the collection.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Since:
- 9.0
public <V, P> MutableBag<V> countByWith(Function2<? super T,? super P,? extends V> function, P parameter)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
This method will count the number of occurrences of each value calculated by applying the function to each element of the collection with the specified parameter as the second argument.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Since:
- 9.0
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
This method will count the number of occurrences of each value calculated by applying the function to each element of the collection.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
- Since:
- 10.0.0
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the minimum element out of this container based on the natural order.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the minimum element out of this container based on the comparator.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the minimum elements out of this container based on the natural order of the attribute returned by Function.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the maximum element out of this container based on the natural order.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the maximum element out of this container based on the comparator.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Returns the maximum elements out of this container based on the natural order of the attribute returned by Function.- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
public <K, V> MutableMap<K,V> aggregateInPlaceBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> groupBy, Function0<? extends V> zeroValueFactory, Procedure2<? super V,? super T> mutatingAggregator)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Applies an aggregate procedure over the iterable grouping results into a Map based on the specific groupBy function. Aggregate results are required to be mutable as they will be changed in place by the procedure. A second function specifies the initial "zero" aggregate value to work with (i.e. new AtomicInteger(0)).- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
public <V> MutableObjectLongMap<V> sumByInt(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, IntFunction<? super T> function)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
public <V> MutableObjectDoubleMap<V> sumByFloat(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, FloatFunction<? super T> function)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
public <V> MutableObjectLongMap<V> sumByLong(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, LongFunction<? super T> function)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
public <V> MutableObjectDoubleMap<V> sumByDouble(Function<? super T,? extends V> groupBy, DoubleFunction<? super T> function)Description copied from interface:RichIterable
Groups and sums the values using the two specified functions.- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableCollection<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:Bag
Returns thecount
most frequently occurring items. In the event of a tie, all of the items with the number of occurrences that match the occurrences of the last item will be returned.- Specified by:
in interfaceBag<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableBagIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:Bag
Returns thecount
least frequently occurring items. In the event of a tie, all of the items with the number of occurrences that match the occurrences of the last item will be returned.- Specified by:
in interfaceBag<T>
- Specified by:
in interfaceMutableBagIterable<T>