Class TakeWhileIterable<T>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class TakeWhileIterable<T> extends AbstractLazyIterable<T>
Iterates over the elements of the adapted Iterable until the predicate returns false.
- Since:
- 8.0
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description TakeWhileIterable(Iterable<T> newAdapted, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description void
each(Procedure<? super T> procedure)
The procedure is executed for each element in the iterable.<P> void
forEachWith(Procedure2<? super T,? super P> procedure, P parameter)
The procedure2 is evaluated for each element in the iterable with the specified parameter provided as the second argument.void
forEachWithIndex(ObjectIntProcedure<? super T> procedure)
Iterates over the iterable passing each element and the current relative int index to the specified instance of ObjectIntProcedure.Iterator<T>
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.collections.impl.lazy.AbstractLazyIterable
aggregateInPlaceBy, asLazy, chunk, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, concatenate, distinct, drop, dropWhile, flatCollect, getFirst, getLast, getOnly, groupBy, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, into, isEmpty, maxByOptional, maxOptional, maxOptional, minByOptional, minOptional, minOptional, partition, partitionWith, reject, rejectWith, select, selectInstancesOf, selectWith, size, sumByDouble, sumByFloat, sumByInt, sumByLong, take, takeWhile, tap, toArray, toStack, zip, zipWithIndex
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.collections.impl.AbstractRichIterable
allSatisfy, allSatisfyWith, anySatisfy, anySatisfyWith, appendString, appendString, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, contains, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, count, countByEach, countWith, detect, detectOptional, detectWith, detectWithIfNone, detectWithOptional, flatCollect, forEach, groupBy, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, max, max, maxBy, min, min, minBy, noneSatisfy, noneSatisfyWith, reject, rejectWith, select, selectWith, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toArray, toBag, toBiMap, toList, toMap, toSet, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedBagBy, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMapBy, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toSortedSetBy, toString, zip, zipWithIndex
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable
aggregateBy, aggregateBy, allSatisfy, allSatisfyWith, anySatisfy, anySatisfyWith, appendString, appendString, appendString, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, contains, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, containsBy, count, countBy, countBy, countByEach, countByEach, countByWith, countByWith, countWith, detect, detectIfNone, detectOptional, detectWith, detectWithIfNone, detectWithOptional, flatCollect, flatCollectBoolean, flatCollectByte, flatCollectChar, flatCollectDouble, flatCollectFloat, flatCollectInt, flatCollectLong, flatCollectShort, flatCollectWith, forEach, getAny, groupBy, groupByAndCollect, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, makeString, makeString, makeString, max, max, maxBy, min, min, minBy, noneSatisfy, noneSatisfyWith, notEmpty, reduce, reduceInPlace, reduceInPlace, reject, rejectWith, select, selectWith, summarizeDouble, summarizeFloat, summarizeInt, summarizeLong, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toArray, toBag, toBiMap, toList, toMap, toMap, toSet, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedBagBy, toSortedList, toSortedList, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMapBy, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toSortedSetBy, toString, zip, zipWithIndex
Constructor Details
Method Details
Description copied from interface:RichIterable
The procedure is executed for each element in the iterable.Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:
people.each(person ->;
Example using an anonymous inner class:
people.each(new Procedure<Person>() { public void value(Person person) {; } });
This method is a variant ofInternalIterable.forEach(Procedure)
that has a signature conflict withIterable.forEach(java.util.function.Consumer)
. -
Description copied from interface:InternalIterable
Iterates over the iterable passing each element and the current relative int index to the specified instance of ObjectIntProcedure.Example using a Java 8 lambda:
people.forEachWithIndex((Person person, int index) ->"Index: " + index + " person: " + person.getName()));
Example using an anonymous inner class:
people.forEachWithIndex(new ObjectIntProcedure<Person>() { public void value(Person person, int index) {"Index: " + index + " person: " + person.getName()); } });
- Specified by:
in interfaceInternalIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>
Description copied from interface:InternalIterable
The procedure2 is evaluated for each element in the iterable with the specified parameter provided as the second argument.Example using a Java 8 lambda:
people.forEachWith((Person person, Person other) -> { if (person.isRelatedTo(other)) {; } }, fred);
Example using an anonymous inner class:
people.forEachWith(new Procedure2<Person, Person>() { public void value(Person person, Person other) { if (person.isRelatedTo(other)) {; } } }, fred);
- Specified by:
in interfaceInternalIterable<T>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractRichIterable<T>