Class BiMapCollectProcedure<T,K,V>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Consumer<T>, Procedure<T>

public final class BiMapCollectProcedure<T,K,V> extends Object implements Procedure<T>
BiMapCollectProcedure uses an Function to calculate the key for an object and puts the object with the key into the specified BiMap.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BiMapCollectProcedure

      public BiMapCollectProcedure(MutableBiMap<K,V> newMap, Function<? super T,? extends K> newKeyFunction, Function<? super T,? extends V> newValueFunction)
  • Method Details

    • value

      public void value(T object)
      Specified by:
      value in interface Procedure<T>