Interface MutableByteByteMap

All Superinterfaces:
ByteByteMap, ByteIterable, ByteValuesMap, MutableByteValuesMap, PrimitiveIterable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ByteByteHashMap, SynchronizedByteByteMap, UnmodifiableByteByteMap

public interface MutableByteByteMap extends ByteByteMap, MutableByteValuesMap
This file was automatically generated from template file mutablePrimitivePrimitiveMap.stg.
  • Method Details

    • put

      void put(byte key, byte value)
      Associates a value with the specified key. If a value is already associated with the key in this map, it will be replaced with value.
      key - the key
      value - the value to associate with value
    • putPair

      default void putPair(ByteBytePair keyValuePair)
      This method allows MutableByteByteMap the ability to add an element in the form of ByteBytePair.
      See Also:
    • putAll

      void putAll(ByteByteMap map)
      Puts all of the key/value mappings from the specified map into this map. If this map already has a value associated with one of the keys in the map, it will be replaced with the value in map.
      map - the map to copy into this map
    • updateValues

      void updateValues(ByteByteToByteFunction function)
      Updates the values in-place.
      function - that takes a key and its value and that returns a new value for this key
    • removeKey

      void removeKey(byte key)
      Removes the mapping associated with the key, if one exists, from the map.
      key - the key to remove
      See Also:
    • remove

      void remove(byte key)
      Removes the mapping associated with the key, if one exists, from the map.
      key - the key to remove
      See Also:
    • removeKeyIfAbsent

      byte removeKeyIfAbsent(byte key, byte value)
      Removes the mapping associated with the key, if one exists, from the map, returning the previously associated value with the key. If no mapping existed for the key, the specified default value is returned.
      key - the key to remove
      value - the default value to return if no mapping for the key exists
      the value previously associated with the key, if one existed, or value if not
    • getIfAbsentPut

      byte getIfAbsentPut(byte key, byte value)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key if one exists; if it does not, associates a value with the key.
      key - the key
      value - the value to associate with key if no such mapping exists
      the value associated with key, if one exists, or value if not
    • getAndPut

      default byte getAndPut(byte key, byte putValue, byte defaultValue)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key if one exists; associates a putValue with the key.
      key - the key
      putValue - the value to associate with key if no such mapping exists
      defaultValue - the value to return if no mapping associated with key exists
      the value associated with key, if one exists, or defaultValue if not
    • getIfAbsentPut

      byte getIfAbsentPut(byte key, ByteFunction0 function)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key if one exists; if it does not, invokes the supplier and associates the result with the key.
      key - the key
      function - the supplier that provides the value if no mapping exists for key
      the value associated with the key, if one exists, or the result of invoking function if not
    • getIfAbsentPutWithKey

      byte getIfAbsentPutWithKey(byte key, ByteToByteFunction function)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key if one exists; if it does not, associates the result of invoking the value function with the key.
      key - the key
      function - the function that provides the value if no mapping exists. The key will be passed as the argument to the function.
      the value associated with the key, if one exists, or the result of invoking function with key if not
    • getIfAbsentPutWith

      <P> byte getIfAbsentPutWith(byte key, ByteFunction<? super P> function, P parameter)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key if one exists; if it does not, invokes the value function with the parameter and associates the result with the key.
      Type Parameters:
      P - the type of the value function's parameter
      key - the key
      function - the function that provides the value if no mapping exists. The specified parameter will be passed as the argument to the function.
      parameter - the parameter to provide to function if no value exists for key
      the value associated with the key, if one exists, or the result of invoking function with parameter if not
    • updateValue

      byte updateValue(byte key, byte initialValueIfAbsent, ByteToByteFunction function)
      Updates or sets the value associated with the key by applying the function to the existing value, if one exists, or to the specified initial value if one does not.
      key - the key
      initialValueIfAbsent - the initial value to supply to the function if no mapping exists for the key
      function - the function that returns the updated value based on the current value or the initial value, if no value exists
      the new value associated with the key, either as a result of applying function to the value already associated with the key or as a result of applying it to initialValueIfAbsent and associating the result with key
    • flipUniqueValues

      MutableByteByteMap flipUniqueValues()
      Description copied from interface: ByteByteMap
      Return the ByteByteMap that is obtained by flipping the direction of this map and making the associations from value to key.
      Specified by:
      flipUniqueValues in interface ByteByteMap
    • select

      Description copied from interface: ByteByteMap
      Return a copy of this map containing only the key/value pairs that match the predicate.
      Specified by:
      select in interface ByteByteMap
      predicate - the predicate to determine which key/value pairs in this map should be included in the returned map
      a copy of this map with the matching key/value pairs
    • reject

      Description copied from interface: ByteByteMap
      Return a copy of this map containing only the key/value pairs that do not match the predicate.
      Specified by:
      reject in interface ByteByteMap
      predicate - the predicate to determine which key/value pairs in this map should be excluded from the returned map
      a copy of this map without the matching key/value pairs
    • withKeyValue

      MutableByteByteMap withKeyValue(byte key, byte value)
      Associates a value with the specified key. If a value is already associated with the key in this map, it will be replaced with value.
      key - the key
      value - the value to associate with value
      this map
      See Also:
    • withoutKey

      MutableByteByteMap withoutKey(byte key)
      Removes the mapping associated with the key, if one exists, from this map.
      key - the key to remove
      this map
      See Also:
    • withoutAllKeys

      MutableByteByteMap withoutAllKeys(ByteIterable keys)
      Removes the mappings associated with all the keys, if they exist, from this map.
      keys - the keys to remove
      this map
      See Also:
    • withAllKeyValues

      default MutableByteByteMap withAllKeyValues(Iterable<ByteBytePair> keyValuePairs)
      Puts all of the key/value mappings from the specified pairs into this map. If this map already has a value associated with one of the keys in the pairs, it will be replaced with the value in the pair.
      iterable - the pairs to put into this map
      this map
      See Also:
    • asUnmodifiable

      MutableByteByteMap asUnmodifiable()
      Returns an unmodifiable view of this map, delegating all read-only operations to this map and throwing an UnsupportedOperationException for all mutating operations. This avoids the overhead of copying the map when calling ByteByteMap.toImmutable() while still providing immutability.
      an unmodifiable view of this map
    • asSynchronized

      MutableByteByteMap asSynchronized()
      Returns a synchronized view of this map, delegating all operations to this map but ensuring only one caller has access to the map at a time.
      a synchronized view of this map
    • addToValue

      byte addToValue(byte key, byte toBeAdded)
      Increments and updates the value associated with the key, if a value exists, or sets the value to be the specified value if one does not.
      key - the key
      toBeAdded - the amount to increment the existing value, if one exists, or to use as the initial value if one does not
      the value after incrementing toBeAdded to the existing value associated with key or toBeAdded if one does not