Package org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility.primitive

package org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility.primitive
  • Classes
    BooleanQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    ByteQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    CharQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    DoubleQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    FloatQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    IntQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    LazyBooleanIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" boolean iterables around the specified boolean iterables.
    LazyByteIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" byte iterables around the specified byte iterables.
    LazyCharIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" char iterables around the specified char iterables.
    LazyDoubleIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" double iterables around the specified double iterables.
    LazyFloatIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" float iterables around the specified float iterables.
    LazyIntIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" int iterables around the specified int iterables.
    LazyLongIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" long iterables around the specified long iterables.
    LazyShortIterate is a factory class which creates "deferred" short iterables around the specified short iterables.
    LongQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.
    ShortQuickSort is an implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm as described in Donald Knuth's TAOCP with some optimizations.