public interface FixedSizeMap<K,V> extends MutableMap<K,V>
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
clear() |
V |
put(K key,
V value) |
void |
putAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map) |
V |
remove(Object key) |
V |
removeKey(K key)
Remove an entry from the map at the specified
key . |
aggregateBy, aggregateInPlaceBy, asSynchronized, asUnmodifiable, clone, collect, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectKeysAndValues, collectLong, collectShort, collectValues, collectWith, flatCollect, flip, flipUniqueValues, groupBy, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, newEmpty, partition, partitionWith, reject, reject, rejectWith, select, select, selectInstancesOf, selectWith, tap, withAllKeyValueArguments, withAllKeyValues, withKeyValue, withoutAllKeys, withoutKey, zip, zipWithIndex
add, getIfAbsentPut, getIfAbsentPut, getIfAbsentPutWith, getIfAbsentPutWithKey, toImmutable, updateValue, updateValueWith
compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, equals, forEach, get, getOrDefault, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, merge, putIfAbsent, remove, replace, replace, replaceAll, size, values
containsKey, containsValue, detect, equals, forEachKey, forEachKeyValue, forEachValue, get, getIfAbsent, getIfAbsentValue, getIfAbsentWith, hashCode, ifPresentApply, keysView, keyValuesView, toString, valuesView
allSatisfy, allSatisfyWith, anySatisfy, anySatisfyWith, appendString, appendString, appendString, asLazy, chunk, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectIf, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, collectWith, contains, containsAll, containsAllArguments, containsAllIterable, count, countWith, detect, detectIfNone, detectWith, detectWithIfNone, each, flatCollect, getFirst, getLast, groupBy, groupByEach, groupByUniqueKey, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, injectInto, isEmpty, makeString, makeString, makeString, max, max, maxBy, min, min, minBy, noneSatisfy, noneSatisfyWith, notEmpty, reject, rejectWith, select, selectWith, size, sumByDouble, sumByFloat, sumByInt, sumByLong, sumOfDouble, sumOfFloat, sumOfInt, sumOfLong, toArray, toArray, toBag, toList, toMap, toSet, toSortedBag, toSortedBag, toSortedBagBy, toSortedList, toSortedList, toSortedListBy, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toSortedSetBy, zip, zipWithIndex
forEach, forEachWith, forEachWithIndex
forEach, iterator, spliterator
void clear()
in interface Map<K,V>
V put(K key, V value)
in interface Map<K,V>
void putAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
in interface Map<K,V>
V remove(Object key)
in interface Map<K,V>
V removeKey(K key)
in interface MutableMapIterable<K,V>
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