- All Superinterfaces:
- PartitionIterable<T>
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- PartitionImmutableSet<T>, PartitionImmutableSetIterable<T>, PartitionImmutableSortedSet<T>, PartitionMutableSet<T>, PartitionMutableSetIterable<T>, PartitionMutableSortedSet<T>, PartitionSortedSet<T>, PartitionUnsortedSet<T>
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- PartitionImmutableSetImpl, PartitionImmutableSortedSetImpl, PartitionTreeSortedSet, PartitionUnifiedSet, PartitionUnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy
public interface PartitionSet<T>
extends PartitionIterable<T>
A PartitionSet is the result of splitting a SetIterable into two SetIterables based on a Predicate. The results that
answer true for the Predicate will be returned from the getSelected() method and the results that answer
false for the predicate will be returned from the getRejected() method.