, MutableBagMultimap<K,V>
, MutableListMultimap<K,V>
, MutableSetIterableMultimap<K,V>
, MutableSetMultimap<K,V>
, MutableSortedBagMultimap<K,V>
, MutableSortedSetMultimap<K,V>
, AbstractMutableListMultimap
, AbstractMutableMultimap
, AbstractMutableSetMultimap
, AbstractSynchronizedMultimap
, AbstractSynchronizedPutMultimap
, FastListMultimap
, HashBagMultimap
, HashBagMultimapWithHashingStrategy
, MultiReaderFastListMultimap
, MultiReaderHashBagMultimap
, MultiReaderUnifiedSetMultimap
, SynchronizedBagMultimap
, SynchronizedListMultimap
, SynchronizedPutFastListMultimap
, SynchronizedPutHashBagMultimap
, SynchronizedPutTreeSortedSetMultimap
, SynchronizedPutUnifiedSetMultimap
, SynchronizedSetMultimap
, SynchronizedSortedBagMultimap
, SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap
, TreeBagMultimap
, TreeBagMultimap
, TreeBagMultimap
, TreeSortedSetMultimap
, UnifiedSetMultimap
, UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategyMultimap
public interface MutableMultimap<K,V> extends Multimap<K,V>
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
default boolean |
add(Pair<K,V> keyValuePair) |
Modification operation similar to put, however, takes the key-value pair as the input.
MutableMultimap<K,V> |
asSynchronized() |
Returns a synchronized wrapper backed by this multimap.
void |
clear() |
<K2,V2> MutableMultimap<K2,V2> |
collectKeysValues(Function2<? super K,? super V,Pair<K2,V2>> function) |
Returns a new multimap with the results of applying the specified function on each key and value of the source
<V2> MutableMultimap<K,V2> |
collectValues(Function<? super V,? extends V2> function) |
Returns a new multimap with the results of applying the specified function on each value of the source
MutableMultimap<V,K> |
flip() |
Given a Multimap from Domain -> Range return a multimap from Range -> Domain.
MutableCollection<V> |
get(K key) |
Returns a view of all values associated with the given key.
MutableMultimap<K,V> |
newEmpty() |
Creates a new instance of the same implementation type, using the default capacity and growth parameters.
boolean |
put(K key,
V value) |
boolean |
putAll(K key,
Iterable<? extends V> values) |
<KK extends K,VV extends V> |
putAll(Multimap<KK,VV> multimap) |
default boolean |
putAllPairs(Iterable<Pair<K,V>> pairs) |
default boolean |
putAllPairs(Pair<K,V>... pairs) |
MutableMultimap<K,V> |
rejectKeysMultiValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super Iterable<V>> predicate) |
Returns all elements of the source multimap that don't satisfy the predicate.
MutableMultimap<K,V> |
rejectKeysValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super V> predicate) |
Returns all elements of the source multimap that don't satisfy the predicate.
boolean |
remove(Object key,
Object value) |
RichIterable<V> |
removeAll(Object key) |
RichIterable<V> |
replaceValues(K key,
Iterable<? extends V> values) |
MutableMultimap<K,V> |
selectKeysMultiValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super Iterable<V>> predicate) |
Returns all elements of the source multimap that satisfies the predicate.
MutableMultimap<K,V> |
selectKeysValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super V> predicate) |
Returns all elements of the source multimap that satisfies the predicate.
collectKeysValues, collectValues, containsKey, containsKeyAndValue, containsValue, equals, forEachKey, forEachKeyMultiValues, forEachKeyValue, forEachValue, hashCode, isEmpty, keyBag, keyMultiValuePairsView, keySet, keysView, keyValuePairsView, multiValuesView, notEmpty, rejectKeysMultiValues, rejectKeysValues, selectKeysMultiValues, selectKeysValues, size, sizeDistinct, toImmutable, toMap, toMap, toMutable, valuesView
MutableMultimap<K,V> newEmpty()
MutableCollection<V> get(K key)
If the given key does not exist, an empty RichIterable
is returned.
default boolean add(Pair<K,V> keyValuePair)
- key value pair to add in the multimapput(Object, Object)
RichIterable<V> replaceValues(K key, Iterable<? extends V> values)
RichIterable<V> removeAll(Object key)
void clear()
MutableMultimap<V,K> flip()
MutableMultimap<K,V> selectKeysValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super V> predicate)
e.g. return multimap.selectKeysValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Person>() { public boolean accept(Integer age, Person person) { return (age >= 18) && (person.getAddress().getCity().equals("Metuchen")); } });
in interface Multimap<K,V>
- a Predicate2
to use as the select criteriaMultimap
, which contains elements as a result of the select criteriaMutableMultimap<K,V> rejectKeysValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super V> predicate)
e.g. return multimap.rejectKeysValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Person>() { public boolean accept(Integer age, Person person) { return (age >= 18) && (person.getAddress().getCity().equals("Metuchen")); } });
in interface Multimap<K,V>
- a Predicate2
to use as the reject criteriaMultimap
, which contains elements that don't satisfy the predicate
MutableMultimap<K,V> selectKeysMultiValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super Iterable<V>> predicate)
e.g. return multimap.selectKeysMultiValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Iterable<Person>>() { public boolean accept(Integer age, Iterable<Person> values) { return (age >= 18) && ((RichIterable<Person>)values.size() >= 2); } });
in interface Multimap<K,V>
- a Predicate2
to use as the select criteriaMultimap
, which contains elements as a result of the select criteriaMutableMultimap<K,V> rejectKeysMultiValues(Predicate2<? super K,? super Iterable<V>> predicate)
e.g. return multimap.rejectKeysMultiValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Iterable<Person>>() { public boolean accept(Integer age, Iterable<Person> values) { return (age >= 18) && ((RichIterable<Person>)values.size() >= 2); } });
in interface Multimap<K,V>
- a Predicate2
to use as the reject criteriaMultimap
, which contains elements that don't satisfy the predicate
<K2,V2> MutableMultimap<K2,V2> collectKeysValues(Function2<? super K,? super V,Pair<K2,V2>> function)
e.g. return multimap.collectKeysValues(new Function2<Integer, Person, Pair<String, String>>() { public Pair<String, String> valueOf(Integer age, Person person) { return Tuples.pair(age.toString(), person.getLastName()); } });
in interface Multimap<K,V>
- a Function2
to use for transformationMultimap
, which contains elements as a result of the transformation<V2> MutableMultimap<K,V2> collectValues(Function<? super V,? extends V2> function)
e.g. return multimap.collectValues(new Function<Person, String>() { public String valueOf(Person person) { return person.getLastName(); } });
in interface Multimap<K,V>
- a Function
to use for transformationMultimap
, which contains elements as a result of the transformationMutableMultimap<K,V> asSynchronized()
MutableMultimap synchedMultimap = multimap.asSynchronized(); synchedMultimap.forEachKey(key -> ... ); synchedMultimap.forEachValue(value -> ... ); synchedMultimap.forEachKeyValue((key, value) -> ... ); synchedMultimap.forEachKeyMultiValues((key, values) -> ... );
If you want to iterate imperatively over the keySet(), keysView(), valuesView(), or other views, you will need to protect the iteration by wrapping the code in a synchronized block on the multimap.
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