, ObjectLongMap<K>
, PrimitiveIterable
, ObjectLongHashMapWithHashingStrategy
, SynchronizedObjectLongMap
, UnmodifiableObjectLongMap
public interface MutableObjectLongMap<K> extends ObjectLongMap<K>
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
long |
addToValue(K key,
long toBeAdded) |
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
asSynchronized() |
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
asUnmodifiable() |
void |
clear() |
<V> MutableCollection<V> |
collect(LongToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
Returns a new collection with the results of applying the specified function on each element of the source
MutableLongObjectMap<K> |
flipUniqueValues() |
Return the LongObjectMap that is obtained by flipping the direction of this map and making the associations
from value to key.
long |
getIfAbsentPut(K key,
long value) |
long |
getIfAbsentPut(K key,
LongFunction0 function) |
<P> long |
getIfAbsentPutWith(K key,
LongFunction<? super P> function,
P parameter) |
long |
getIfAbsentPutWithKey(K key,
LongFunction<? super K> function) |
MutableLongIterator |
longIterator() |
Returns a primitive iterator that can be used to iterate over the LongIterable in an
imperative style.
void |
put(K key,
long value) |
void |
putAll(ObjectLongMap<? extends K> map) |
MutableLongCollection |
reject(LongPredicate predicate) |
Returns a new LongIterable with all of the elements in the LongIterable that
return false for the specified predicate.
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
reject(ObjectLongPredicate<? super K> predicate) |
void |
remove(java.lang.Object key) |
void |
removeKey(K key) |
long |
removeKeyIfAbsent(K key,
long value) |
MutableLongCollection |
select(LongPredicate predicate) |
Returns a new LongIterable with all of the elements in the LongIterable that
return true for the specified predicate.
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
select(ObjectLongPredicate<? super K> predicate) |
default MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
tap(LongProcedure procedure) |
long |
updateValue(K key,
long initialValueIfAbsent,
LongToLongFunction function) |
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
withKeyValue(K key,
long value) |
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
withoutAllKeys(java.lang.Iterable<? extends K> keys) |
MutableObjectLongMap<K> |
withoutKey(K key) |
allSatisfy, anySatisfy, asLazy, average, averageIfEmpty, collect, collectBoolean, collectByte, collectChar, collectDouble, collectFloat, collectInt, collectLong, collectShort, contains, containsAll, containsAll, count, detectIfNone, each, flatCollect, forEach, injectInto, max, maxIfEmpty, median, medianIfEmpty, min, minIfEmpty, noneSatisfy, reject, select, sum, summaryStatistics, toArray, toBag, toList, toSet, toSortedArray, toSortedList
containsKey, containsValue, forEachKey, forEachKeyValue, forEachValue, get, getIfAbsent, getOrThrow, keySet, keysView, keyValuesView, toImmutable, toString, values
appendString, appendString, appendString, isEmpty, makeString, makeString, makeString, notEmpty, size
MutableLongIterator longIterator()
in interface LongIterable
void clear()
void put(K key, long value)
void putAll(ObjectLongMap<? extends K> map)
void removeKey(K key)
void remove(java.lang.Object key)
long removeKeyIfAbsent(K key, long value)
long getIfAbsentPut(K key, long value)
long getIfAbsentPut(K key, LongFunction0 function)
long getIfAbsentPutWithKey(K key, LongFunction<? super K> function)
<P> long getIfAbsentPutWith(K key, LongFunction<? super P> function, P parameter)
long updateValue(K key, long initialValueIfAbsent, LongToLongFunction function)
MutableLongObjectMap<K> flipUniqueValues()
in interface ObjectLongMap<K>
MutableObjectLongMap<K> select(ObjectLongPredicate<? super K> predicate)
in interface ObjectLongMap<K>
MutableObjectLongMap<K> reject(ObjectLongPredicate<? super K> predicate)
in interface ObjectLongMap<K>
MutableLongCollection select(LongPredicate predicate)
in interface LongIterable
MutableLongCollection reject(LongPredicate predicate)
in interface LongIterable
default MutableObjectLongMap<K> tap(LongProcedure procedure)
in interface LongIterable
in interface ObjectLongMap<K>
<V> MutableCollection<V> collect(LongToObjectFunction<? extends V> function)
in interface LongIterable
MutableObjectLongMap<K> withKeyValue(K key, long value)
MutableObjectLongMap<K> withoutKey(K key)
MutableObjectLongMap<K> withoutAllKeys(java.lang.Iterable<? extends K> keys)
MutableObjectLongMap<K> asUnmodifiable()
MutableObjectLongMap<K> asSynchronized()
long addToValue(K key, long toBeAdded)
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