Package | Description |
org.eclipse.collections.api |
This package contains interfaces for Eclipse Collections API.
org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.sorted |
This package contains interfaces for SortedBag API.
| |
This package contains factory API for creating instances of type
SortedMapIterable . | |
This package contains mutable and immutable sorted map interfaces.
org.eclipse.collections.impl |
This package contains implementations for Eclipse Collections API.
org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.immutable |
This package contains implementations of the
ImmutableBag interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.sorted.mutable |
This package contains implementations of
MutableSortedBag . |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.bimap | |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.bimap.mutable |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableBiMap interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.collection | |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.collection.mutable |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableCollection interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory |
This package contains static utilities for creating mutable and immutable collection factories.
org.eclipse.collections.impl.lazy.parallel | | |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableMap interface. | |
This package contains implementations of the mutable primitive-primitive, primitive-object and object-primitive map interfaces.
| |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableSortedMap interface. | |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableSortedMap interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.stack.mutable |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableStack interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.test |
This package contains
SerializeTestHelper and Verify classes. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility |
This package contains static utilities that provide iteration pattern implementations which work with JCF collections.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
SortedMapIterable |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
Class | Description |
ImmutableSortedMap |
An ImmutableSortedMap is different than a JCF SortedMap in that it has no mutating methods, but it shares
the read-only protocol of a SortedMap.
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
ImmutableSortedMap |
An ImmutableSortedMap is different than a JCF SortedMap in that it has no mutating methods, but it shares
the read-only protocol of a SortedMap.
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
SortedMapIterable |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
ImmutableSortedMap |
An ImmutableSortedMap is different than a JCF SortedMap in that it has no mutating methods, but it shares
the read-only protocol of a SortedMap.
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
ImmutableSortedMap |
An ImmutableSortedMap is different than a JCF SortedMap in that it has no mutating methods, but it shares
the read-only protocol of a SortedMap.
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
SortedMapIterable |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
Class | Description |
ImmutableSortedMap |
An ImmutableSortedMap is different than a JCF SortedMap in that it has no mutating methods, but it shares
the read-only protocol of a SortedMap.
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
SortedMapIterable |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
Class | Description |
MutableSortedMap |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
Class | Description |
SortedMapIterable |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
Class | Description |
SortedMapIterable |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
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