Package | Description |
org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.sorted |
This package contains interfaces for SortedBag API.
org.eclipse.collections.api.list |
This package contains interfaces for list API which enhance the performance and functionality of
List . | |
This package contains interfaces for map API which enhance the performance and functionality of
Map | |
This package contains mutable and immutable sorted map interfaces.
org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.ordered | |
org.eclipse.collections.api.ordered | |
org.eclipse.collections.api.ordered.primitive | |
org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.ordered | |
org.eclipse.collections.api.set.sorted |
This package contains interfaces for sorted set API.
org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.sorted.mutable |
This package contains implementations of
MutableSortedBag . |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.fixed |
This package contains implementations of the
FixedSizeList interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableList interface. | |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableSortedMap interface. | |
This package contains implementations of the
MutableSortedMap interface. |
org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.sorted.mutable |
This package contains implementations of
MutableSortedSet . |
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
interface |
ImmutableSortedBag<T> |
ImmutableSortedBag is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to
MutableSortedBag . |
interface |
MutableSortedBag<T> |
interface |
SortedBag<T> |
An Iterable whose elements are sorted by some comparator or their natural ordering and may contain duplicate entries.
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
interface |
FixedSizeList<T> |
A FixedSizeList is a list that may be mutated, but cannot grow or shrink in size.
interface |
ImmutableList<T> |
ImmutableList is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to
MutableList . |
interface |
ListIterable<T> |
An iterable whose items are ordered and may be accessed directly by index.
interface |
MutableList<T> |
A MutableList is an extension of java.util.List which provides methods matching the Smalltalk Collection protocol.
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
interface |
ImmutableOrderedMap<K,V> |
interface |
MutableOrderedMap<K,V> |
interface |
OrderedMap<K,V> |
A map whose keys are ordered but not necessarily sorted, for example a linked hash map.
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
interface |
ImmutableSortedMap<K,V> |
An ImmutableSortedMap is different than a JCF SortedMap in that it has no mutating methods, but it shares
the read-only protocol of a SortedMap.
interface |
MutableSortedMap<K,V> |
A MutableSortedMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods.
interface |
SortedMapIterable<K,V> |
An iterable Map whose elements are sorted.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleIterableMultimap.get(K key) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleIterable.collect(Function<? super T,? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleIterable.collectIf(Predicate<? super T> predicate,
Function<? super T,? extends V> function) |
<P,V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleIterable.collectWith(Function2<? super T,? super P,? extends V> function,
P parameter) |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.distinct() |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.drop(int count) |
Returns an iterable after skipping the first
count elements
or an empty iterable if the count is greater than the length of the iterable. |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.dropWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate) |
Returns the final elements that do not satisfy the Predicate.
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleIterable.flatCollect(Function<? super T,? extends java.lang.Iterable<V>> function) |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.reject(Predicate<? super T> predicate) |
<P> ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.rejectWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate,
P parameter) |
ReversibleIterable<T> |<? super T> predicate) |
<S> ReversibleIterable<S> |
ReversibleIterable.selectInstancesOf(java.lang.Class<S> clazz) |
<P> ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.selectWith(Predicate2<? super T,? super P> predicate,
P parameter) |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.take(int count) |
Returns the first
count elements of the iterable
or all the elements in the iterable if count is greater than the length of
the iterable. |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.takeWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate) |
Returns the initial elements that satisfy the Predicate.
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.tap(Procedure<? super T> procedure) |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
ReversibleIterable.toReversed() |
Returns a new ReversibleIterable in reverse order.
<S> ReversibleIterable<Pair<T,S>> |<S> that) |
ReversibleIterable<Pair<T,java.lang.Integer>> |
ReversibleIterable.zipWithIndex() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleBooleanIterable.collect(BooleanToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleByteIterable.collect(ByteToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleCharIterable.collect(CharToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleDoubleIterable.collect(DoubleToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleFloatIterable.collect(FloatToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleIntIterable.collect(IntToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleLongIterable.collect(LongToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
<V> ReversibleIterable<V> |
ReversibleShortIterable.collect(ShortToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
PartitionReversibleIterable.getRejected() |
ReversibleIterable<T> |
PartitionReversibleIterable.getSelected() |
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
interface |
ImmutableSortedSet<T> |
ImmutableSortedSet is the non-modifiable equivalent interface to
MutableSortedSet . |
interface |
MutableSortedSet<T> |
A MutableSortedSet is an implementation of a JCF SortedSet which provides methods matching the Smalltalk Collection
interface |
SortedSetIterable<T> |
An iterable whose items are unique and sorted by some comparator or their natural ordering.
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
AbstractMutableSortedBag<T> |
class |
SynchronizedSortedBag<T> |
A synchronized view of a
MutableSortedBag . |
class |
TreeBag<T> |
A TreeBag is a MutableSortedBag which uses a SortedMap as its underlying data store.
class |
UnmodifiableSortedBag<T> |
An unmodifiable view of a SortedBag.
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
AbstractArrayAdapter<T> |
class |
AbstractMemoryEfficientMutableList<T> |
class |
ArrayAdapter<T> |
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around an array.
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
AbstractListAdapter<T> |
class |
AbstractMutableList<T> |
class |
ArrayListAdapter<T> |
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around a JDK Collections ArrayList instance.
class |
CompositeFastList<E> |
CompositeFastList behaves like a list, but is composed of at least one list.
class |
FastList<T> |
FastList is an attempt to provide the same functionality as ArrayList without the support for concurrent
modification exceptions.
class |
ListAdapter<T> |
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around a JDK Collections List interface instance.
class |
MultiReaderFastList<T> |
MultiReadFastList provides a thread-safe wrapper around a FastList, using a ReentrantReadWriteLock.
class |
RandomAccessListAdapter<T> |
This class provides a MutableList wrapper around a JDK Collections List interface instance.
class |
SynchronizedMutableList<T> |
A synchronized view of a
MutableList . |
class |
UnmodifiableMutableList<T> |
An unmodifiable view of a list.
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
AbstractImmutableSortedMap<K,V> |
class |
ImmutableTreeMap<K,V> |
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
AbstractMutableSortedMap<K,V> |
class |
SortedMapAdapter<K,V> |
This class provides a MutableSortedMap wrapper around a JDK Collections SortedMap interface instance.
class |
SynchronizedSortedMap<K,V> |
A synchronized view of a SortedMap.
class |
TreeSortedMap<K,V> |
class |
UnmodifiableTreeMap<K,V> |
An unmodifiable view of a map.
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
SortedSetAdapter<T> |
This class provides a MutableSortedSet wrapper around a JDK Collections SortedSet interface instance.
class |
SynchronizedSortedSet<T> |
A synchronized view of a
MutableSortedSet . |
class |
TreeSortedSet<T> |
class |
UnmodifiableSortedSet<T> |
An unmodifiable view of a SortedSet.
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